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Manoshakti – Mind Mastery with Meditations

मनः एव  मनुष्याणां  कारणं बन्धमोक्षयोः..

The mind is the cause of both bondage and liberation.

Amritabindu Upanishad

How can we transform our relationship with the mind such that it does not bind us but leads us to the truth?

In the light of Vedanta, we move through three stages

  • First stage – My mind is a problem. I want to fix my mind.

  • Second stage – My mind is an instrument, a glorious gift from Ishvara. I use it as and when required for my different pursuits.

  • Third stage – I, chaitanyam illumine my mind and do not judge myself on the basis of the conditions of my mind.

Million have traversed the landscape of transforming their minds and living happy, purposeful lives guided by the wisdom of our revered Rishis. 

Our new course – Manoshakti – Mind Mastery with Meditations will include the understanding of the mind in the Vedic tradition, different meditation practices for growth, healing, focus, expansion and an enquiry into the nature of the meditator.

The course will draw from the Yoga sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and modern psychology.

This course will lead the participant to have a more mastered mind and a guided, suitable and meaningful meditation practice.

Objectives –

  1. Learn the purpose and practice of at least 18 types of meditations.

  2. Transform your relationship with your mind such that you use the mind as an instrument

  3. Discover a peace, cheerfulness and gratitude for your life and in your relationships

  4. Develop a closer relationship with Bhagavan

  5. Enquire into the nature of the meditator (Atma)

  6. Integrate dhyaanam into your lifestyle meaningfully


Course content and Meditations based on the following topics  

  1. Building a strong foundation for meditative practice

  2. Basic Pranayama-s

  3. Understanding Emotions and Emotional Mastery

  4. Healing oneself through different life stages

  5. Strengthening values and attitudes

  6. Mantra Japa

  7. Learning Focus and concentration

  8. Witnessing of all forms

  9. Nature of the meditator

Course material –

Our lives are the material which we will contemplate upon, in the light of Vedanta.  

There is no text for the course.

The approach is not just to learn different types of meditations but to change your relationship with the mind so that it is fully available for all your pursuits particularly the moksha pursuit. Thus, you will be happier, more connected and more loving.

Course format:

  1. Online class once a week for 1 hour followed by Q and A pertaining to class. Relevant Sanskrit verses will be explained.

  2. Meditation – Students will be introduced to different types of meditation every week.

  3. Weekly practice – The meditations introduced will be practiced by the  student and observations recorded in a private journal.

  4. One-one session with teacher once or twice in person or on Zoom (initiated by student when required) during the six-month course

  5. Supplementary reading or watching material – Thes podcast episodes or video links will be added to the LMS (Learning Management System)

  6.  Participation in Arsha Vidya Ananda Sangha, a private online community for support to each other and to address questions



  1. What do I need to attend the class?

Internet connection: Joining live class is simple. All classes are held on Zoom. You can join with one click from a mobile device or a computer. You’ll need an internet connection to join live or watch/listen later. You will be provided the class link which will be valid for ALL classes.

You will have to schedule your work and other engagements such that you can attend the class from a relatively quiet space.  

2.    I will not be able to watch the class live, can I watch another time?

All classes will be video recorded. The video classes will be uploaded in the next 48 hours. You can access the video classes or the audios of the same in the course section of the website with your log in details.

If you will not be able to attend the whole course live, then please reflect if you can commit to the weekly discipline to listen to recordings. If not possible, it is best to skip the course.  

3.    I don’t know Sanskrit. Will I be able to understand the class?

No problem at all. If any Sanskrit word is used it will be explained in English.

  1. I am very busy and don’t know if I have the time.

A minimum of two hours a week, one hour to attend and the other to practice different meditations every day for atleast 15 minutes will be required.

(Some perspective –An hour a week for six months is easily doable. If spiritual growth is your priority, you will work to  integrate into your weekly schedule.)  

  1. Should I attend even if I miss some classes?

 Illnesses, work emergencies, festivals are a fact of everyday life for everyone and hence it is likely that you will miss a class. Let not this dishearten you. Let not these other priorities clash with your priority of spiritual growth. Instead we can use everything unfolding in our lives for reflection and integration. Please attend even if you miss a class here or there.

6.    How do I know if I’m ready for the course?

You know you are ready if –

 – You want to master and use your mind rather than be used by it.

-You have tried to have a meditation practice but find it difficult to be consistent.

– You have been listening to Vedanta and recognize the need to work on antah-karana-shuddhi (purification of the mind) and antah-karana naischalyam (steadiness of the mind)

– You can relate to the teacher, Swamini Brahmaprajnananda and feel free to ask questions.

If you do not tick any of the above, it is better to wait a bit and join a course at a more favorable time in your life.

  1. Why are there charges for the course?

The teachings are priceless and are not being charged. However, in the Vedic tradition, the students are expected to offer a guru dakshina (respectful contribution).

The donation covers website subscriptions and maintenance, teachers’ basic living expenses, and contributions to the upcoming Aarsha Vidya Ashram at Murbad.

Three options are presented for suggested donation:

Rs 600 per month/Rs 1800 for 3 months/ Rs 3000 for the course

Rs 1000 per month/Rs 3000 per quarter/Rs 5000 for the course

Rs 2000 per month/Rs 6000 per quarter/ Rs 10000 for the course

Any other amount – 

For contributions in India

Gpay – brahmaprajnananda@okhdfcbank or 9820453495


Pay U (Netbanking/ Debit/Credit Cards)-

For overseas contributions

Please account for PayPal fee charge of additional 4% of transaction value 

Or ‘Wise/Xoom’ transfers for those who have enabled it already. 

Those who cannot  contribute financially can contribute in kind through editing of transcription or seva (voluntary work) in their place of residence and provide some related documentation. Please write to

If the above is clear and agreeable to you, the next steps are – 

  1. Fill up the Google form below and submit

  2. Make a contribution

  3. You will receive an  email from with the Zoom link by 11th July or earlier (depending on when you apply). Please save the ID for it to land in your inbox. Also check your spam and promotion folders in case you do not receive it. If there are any problems please write to 

  4. See you in the course!   

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