Karma Yoga Unfolded l Curated collection of Swamini Brahmaprajnananda's writings
This is a compilation of Swamini Brahmaprajnanada ji’s transcribed podcasts on Karma Yoga over the past years done by Aswin Nagarajan who is a disciple devotee of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji and lives in the UK. It consists of 55 short essays on the What, Why and How of Karma Yoga, with hyperlinks to each.
He writes – I did this for my own reference – as I hold these podcasts in very high stead and they are near and dear to me.
What makes these podcast transcripts unique is how Swamini has bridged Karma Yoga to today’s contemporary living case studies and examples. Swamini B has an incredibly unique skill in relating to and communicating to the reader that makes each article deep, meaningful, leaving a deep, lasting impact.
Download – Karma Yoga Unfolded l Curated collection l March 2024) of Swamini Brahmaprajnananda’s writings
Stotrams Unfolded l Curated collection of Swamini Brahmaprajnananda's writings
This is a compilation of Swamini Brahmaprajnanada ji’s writings on Stotrams unfolded over the past years done by Aswin Nagarajan.
He writes – What makes these podcast transcripts unique is how Swamini has bridged unfolding some of my favourite stotrams to today’s contemporary times with visual examples (YT videos) whilst maintaining the imports and integrity of their original meaning. I experience heightened bhavam when chanting these stotrams with Swamini’s unfolded meanings.
Download – Stotrams Unfolded l Curated collection of Swamini Brahmaprajnananda ‘s writings
Guide to Gurupāda Pūjā

Guide to Gurupāda Pūjā
This guide includes the
- Significance of Guru Pūrnima,
- Why of Gurupāda Pūjā ?
- Gurupāda pūjā (short form) and
- Gurupāda pūjā ( long form) – Materials, procedure and chants in Sanskrit
For queries – rashmi@arshavidyananda.in
The Teaching of Viṣṇusahasranāma

The Teaching of Viṣṇusahasranāma
Based on the teachings of Swami Dayananda Saraswati
With few additions by Swamini Brahmaprajnananda
Download – The Teaching of Viṣṇusahasranāma
Understanding the play of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas and becoming more Sattvika
Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches us that we are free from the gunas. How to know this? By understanding the play of the gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas and becoming more sattvika so that the knowledge is reflected in a clear mind. The video playlist may be supplemented by the pdf on Understanding the play of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (select verses from the Bhagavad Gita).
Vedanta in one’s emotional life (Talk at Vedic Wisdom Festival, Mumbai 2018)

Through the story of a little wave in the Indian ocean Swamini Brahmaprajnananda spoke about three stages of relating to the mind in the light of Vedanta and focusing on 5 areas of emotional growth, the first stage being – ‘My mind is a problem’, giving way to the second stage – ‘My mind is an inner instrument(antah karana) and I learn to use it well for my pursuits’ which gives way to the third stage – ‘I am free from the mind and its many conditions.’
Click to download Vedanta in one’s emotional life
Indian psychology is incomplete without Dharma and Ishvara – Paper presentation by Swamini Brahmaprajnananda

The Swadeshi Indology Conference – 4 on Mind Sciences at Delhi University was held in March 2018. In her paper presentation, Swamini Brahmaprajnananda talks about how psychology as practiced in India formally is largely drawn from Western frameworks and not appropriate for a country that still does not have a sacred-secular divide. For Indian psychology to truly serve the people and complete, the frameworks need to include Dharma and Ishvara.
For full paper click here – Indian psychology is incomplete without Dharma and Ishvara Full paper
Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda ‘s contribution to the Vedanta sampradaya – Paper presentation by Swamini Brahmaprajananda

In the Conference on Oneness organised by Indic Academy and Chinmaya Vishvavidyapeeth held in Kochi in October 2019, there was an appropriate sub theme – Contribution of contemporary gurus. Any conference devoted to Advaita Vedanta would be incomplete without acknowledging the contribution of Swami Chinmayananda ji and Swamini Dayananda ji.
Swamini Brahmaprajnananda presented highlights of their teaching pedagogies as well as mentioned their programmes to revive Sanatana dharma.
For full paper click here – Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda’s contribution to the Vedanta sampradaya by Swamini Brahmaprajnananda
4. Advaitic kritis composed by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji – Paper presentation by Sonali Ambasankar

In the Conference on Oneness organized by Indic Academy and Chinmaya Vishvavidyapeeth, Kochi (Oct 2019), Sonali Ambasankar presented a paper on the above subject under the sub theme – Advaita Vedanta through classical music.
Her conference paper dwells and delves into how devotees (aartah, arthaarthi, jignyasyu or jnaani) can effortlessly connect and resonate with all the 19 kritis composed by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji. Through the melody and the lyrics, each type of devotee is validated as her heart expands in devotion to Ishvara (Vighnaraja, Someshvara, Sri Dakshinamurti, Madhura Meenakshi, Devi Jnaneshwari etc)
Click to download – Advaitic kritis composed by Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji – paper by Sonali A
5. Self Realisation – Knowledge or Experience (Talk at World Yoga Festival, UK, 2019)

Pointing to Ashtanga Yoga as a largely experiential paradigm, different from Vedanta, the talk points to the unchanging self, which is not the result of any experience including samadhi. This is an edited transcription.
Click to download – Self realisation – Knowledge or Experience By Swamini Brahmaprajnananda
6. Discovering Love (Talk at World Yoga Festival, UK, 2019)

Drawing from the Upanishadic dialogue between Sage Yajnavalkya and his wife, Maitreyi, this talk explores the nature of love and the pleased self in us that it evokes. We look at how we express and receive our love differently and express the same as our dharma in all our relationships. This is an edited transcription.
Click to download – Discovering Love by Swamini Brahmaprajnananda
7. Meditation and the Meditator (Talk at World Yoga Festival, UK, 2019)

Swamini Brahmaprajnananda takes the participants on a meditative journey while highlighting the different types of meditation. Drawing from the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Yoga sutras, she highlights the classical definition of Dhyanam and emphasises the need to surface the meditator and his immutable nature. This is an edited transcription.
Click to download – Meditation and the Meditator
8. ” Been there. Done that…!” in Yoga Scotland Magazine for Jan 2020 issue
Click to download – Interview with Swamini B
9. The Vision of Vedanta in Yoga Scotland Magazine for Jan 2020 issue related to ageing –
Click to download – The Art of Living and Dying
10. The A-Z of the tradition we inherited

“We have inherited a living tradition of pūrṇatvam, fullness” .
Talk at Guru Purnima 2017, With what letters can we describe the living tradition of all that we have inherited? I reckon A-Z is a good place to start….This is an edited transcription.
Click to download – The A-Z of the tradition we inherited
11. How to be calm and focused when fear and anxiety overwhelm us?