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Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati Ph.D

If there had to be a two word biography of Swamini, it would be – I am
If that is too brief then glimpses of the journey follow –

Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati Ph.D has dedicated her life to sharing the ancient teachings of oneness (Advaita Vedanta).  She conducts courses of Vedanta for different groups in Mumbai, India and for people online, across the world. Dedicated students and seekers from around the world resonate with her clarity for transformation, gentle guidance and warm approach. A former clinical psychologist, Swaminiji’s teaching style seamlessly flow from the breadth of self mastery to the depth of self discovery.

Swaminiji co- conducts intensive and immersive Vedanta retreats in different parts of India and abroad. 

To help beginners gently glide into Vedanta, she hosts a weekly podcast, Vedanta – The River of Wisdom available on major podcasting platforms. It is considered as among the top 10 podcasts in India on ‘Religion and Spirituality’ by Feedspot

She is the first Hindu monk to run an online course on ‘How to have harmonious relationships’ on Udemy, the global, online learning platform. She teaches core courses at the Hindu University of America 

In July 2020 she published her first book, You matter – Insights from Vedanta. 

She has a Ph.D in Philosophy from SIES, Mumbai University. Her thesis was on ‘The Role of Ishvara in Advaita Vedanta’ which will shortly be published as a book. She has an M.Phil in Psychology.

Swaminiji ‘s public videos span a range of topics – teachings  on Vedanta texts, meanings of stotrams, dialogues with other Arsha Vidya teachers, animation based videos all offering more than a window of insight and a doorway of understanding to life matters.

In 2018 she cofounded the first Vedic Wisdom festival (two day offering of curated talks) in Mumbai with Swami Brahmavidananda.

She does therapeutic work with those who need it. Some of her other programs include founding SHINE (Spiritual Heritage of India for Next-generation Empowerment) and leadership programmes for the youth. Swaminji taught ‘Counselling and Therapy’ to the Masters students of Psychology at SNDT University, Mumbai for more than a decade. In her inter religious dialogue practice, she upholds mutual respect and recognizes all religions to be valid, neither one superior nor the other inferior.

Her greatest blessing was to be a student-disciple of H.H. Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji in an intensive 3.5 year course in Arsha Vidya Gurukulam and receive diksha, initiation into monkhood on the banks of the  Ganga, in India at the age of 40. Earlier than that she was blessed to study for more than 12 years  with Swami Brahmavidananda ji while balancing work commitments and later with Swami Sakshatkrtananda ji who was the Acharya of the intensive course. Prior to monkhood she held many leadership positions in the development sector for 15 years. Her last position as Country Head of India for an international organisation, impacted the lives of 150,000 street children. 

Brief Bio for events and programs which organisers can use

Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati Ph. D has dedicated her life to serving the Vedic tradition by sharing teachings of Advaita Vedanta. A Hindu monk who currently lives in Mumbai (India) she is a teacher, podcaster, writer, creator who points to the suffix -er in all the roles as the abiding Atma in all beings.

She offers regular Vedanta courses (online), the podcast – Vedanta – the river of wisdom, insightful videos, workshops and retreats in India and abroad. Her teachings range from the depth and breadth of self mastery to self discovery.

She is the author of ‘You matter – Insights from Vedanta.’ Swamini ji teaches three core courses at Hindu University of America.

She is a direct disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, having studied Vedanta, Sanskrit and Vedic chanting at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in a residential, intensive three year course in Coimbatore and Rishikesh. She studied part time with Swami Brahmavidananda for about twelve years. Her last leadership role was as the Country Head (India) of an international organisation which positively impacted the lives of 150,000 street children. She was a former psychologist.