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The Complete Bhagavad Gita Course

A life of connection and oneness through Self mastery and Self discovery

Discover the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita

Unlock the secret vision of your true self as Ananda, fullness that is limitless

Live a life of purpose, connection and happiness.   

Journey Through Life’s Battlefield:

Although a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna in the middle of the Mahabharata war, the Bhagavad Gita is really a profound flow of meaning between jiva, the individual and Bhagavan about the battlefield of life.

We battle with ourselves and the world desperately seeking answers to these questions.

How can I have work-life balance?

How can I manage my mind?

What is the purpose of this human life?

Having ‘been there and done that’ why does my heart still feel empty?  

How to know what is the right thing to do in a given situation?

I cannot be happy in relationships. I cannot be happy without them. What to do?

For centuries, seekers have found solace and wisdom in the Gita’s teachings. Now, amidst the complexities of modern life, its wisdom is more relevant than ever.

We ask these questions not on a mountain top or a remote cave but in the thick and thin of living a busy life.

For those who seek, the Bhagavad Gita (The Lord’s song) can truly bless us.

Join us to explore this timeless knowledge, applicable in your daily life, guiding you towards inner peace and clarity.

Enrol Now and Transform Your Life Through the Bhagavad Gita’s Eternal Wisdom

Topics :

The Bhagavad Gita comprises 700 verses spread over 18 chapters and occurs in the middle of the Mahabharata. The complete teaching includes two important topics which are interwoven in a rich tapestry. 

a. Brahmavidya – An enquiry into your essential nature, your relation with Bhagavan and the world. 

Brahmavidya transforms your life into a blessing as you understand – Who am I? Who and what is God? Is he here and now? What is my connection to God? Is the world real or an appearance?  and much more. 

b. Yogashastra – The values, attitudes and orientations to live a joyful life and assimilate the vision of the unchanging Atma. 

Yogashastra  delves into topics of karma, how to deal with the mind, how to have happy relationships, the definition of yoga, who a yogi is and much more.

It is easy to get confused if one is reading the Gita on one’s own because Bhagavan Krishna goes back and forth between these topics. Hence it is important to go through each of the verses in detail with the help of a teacher to get the complete vision.

The new course will begin on 17th August 2024. 

Course material

Our lives are the material which the Bhagavad Gita will light up. 

Our approach is not to study the Bhagavad Gita but to study our own life and find meaning, joy and connection through the Bhagavad Gita.

 The text to refer to – Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Swami Dayananda Saraswati to be purchased from 


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Course Format:

  1. The class includes chanting of the Sanskrit verses which is repeated by the students. The word meaning of the verses along with the relevance of the verse in everyday life with contemporary examples are shared.

2. Meditation – Students will be introduced to different types of meditation. 

3. Homework assignments pertaining to situations in life will be given from time to time and discussed at the end of the class in small groups.

4. One-one session with teacher once in three months in person or on Zoom/skype or a phone conversation.(initiated by student when required)

5. Disciplines/certain practices suitable to the student will be given in class or one-one online.

6. Participation in Arsha Vidya Ananda Sangha, a private online community for support to each other and to address questions 


Internet connection: Joining live class is simple. All classes are held on Zoom. You can join with one click from a mobile device or a computer. You’ll need an internet connection to join live or watch/listen later. You will be provided the class link which will be valid for ALL classes.

You will have to schedule your work and other engagements such that you can attend the class from a relatively quiet space.  

All classes will be video recorded. The video classes will be uploaded in the next 48 hours. You can access the video classes or the audios of the same in the course section of the website with your log in details.

If you will not be able to attend the whole course live, then please reflect if you can commit to the weekly discipline to listen to recordings. If not possible, it is best to skip the course.  

Yes. The text translation by my guru Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji closely follows the Advaita Vedanta tradition re-established by Adi Shankaracharya which is what we follow in our courses.  

No problem at all. If any Sanskrit word is used it will be explained in English.

A minimum of two hours a week, one hour to attend and the other to go over your notes and do the prescribed sadhana-s.

(Some perspective – When you really look at it, each year the course only requires 52 – 100 hours. If your spiritual growth is a priority it will get seamlessly integrated into your weekly schedule)

Illnesses, work emergencies, festivals are a fact of everyday life for everyone and hence it is likely that you will miss a class. Let not this dishearten you. Let not these other priorities clash with your priority of spiritual growth. Instead we can use everything unfolding in our lives for reflection and integration. Please attend even if you miss a class here or there.

You know you are ready if –

1 – You have a sincere desire to know yourself and are willing to invest in your self mastery and self discovery, approximately 2 hours a week.

2 – You have tried many things in spirituality and are keen to try Vedanta

  1. You can relate to the teacher, Swamini Brahmaprajnananda and feel free to ask questions.
  2. You are keen to understand the treasure of what you have inherited – Bhagavad Gita.

If you do not tick any of the above, it is better to wait a bit and join a course at a more favorable time in your life.

The teachings are priceless and are not being charged. However, in the Vedic tradition, the students offer a guru dakshina (respectful contribution). Your contribution will be used to cover costs of maintaining the website, related subscriptions and living expenses of the teacher.  

 3 options are presented for suggested contribution:

Option 1 : Rs 600 per month/ Rs 1700 per quarter /Rs 7000 per year

Option 2: Rs 1000 per month/ Rs 2900 per quarter /Rs 11800 per year   

Option 3 : Any other amount    

For contributions in India –  Gpay – brahmaprajnananda@okhdfcbank or 9820453495

For overseas contributions

Please account for an additional PayPal fee charge of 4 % of transaction value

Those who cannot make a financial contribution and would rather contribute in kind can do so through transcription effort or seva (voluntary work) in their place of residence and provide some related documentation. Please write to

  1. Please watch the 3 videos in the Video preview to ascertain if you really want to join.
  2. Click on Register now which takes you to a Google form
  3. Fill up the Google form and submit
  4. Please make a  contribution according to the information above. 
  5. You will receive the Zoom link to join the course by 15h August 2024 only from info@arshavidyananda.Please save the ID for it to land in your inbox. Also check your spam and promotion folders in case you do not receive it. If there are any problems please write to 
  6. See you in the course!   

Video Preview: