I am thrilled to share that this episode is the 150th episode. That’s right! You have been flowing with me for 150 episodes over 3 years in this podcast, your podcast Vedanta – the river of wisdom. And so a …
Many new age authors declare that we must have self-love. Some celebrities and influencers endorse self love after sharing how they struggled with low self esteem. When they embraced themselves warts and all, they found themselves. This topic of self …
Many years ago when I was studying Vedanta in the gurukulam, one of the things I revelled in, was to do namaskar to Pujya Swamiji. After every class our guru Pujya Swamiji would leave and return to his cottage. We …
Being objective means differentiating what is ours and what is given to us. If anything is ours, it is always with us. We have full control over it and can modify it anytime we want, however we want. How about …
Everyone wants freedom – the power to do what one wants to do, the power to think what you one wants to think, and the power to desire whatever one wants. Everyone wants to experience a freedom of being, where …
The self help industry has grown by leaps and bounds or rather by books, courses and quotes. It is difficult to escape a quote, an insight, an advertisement on youtube to live more successfully, happily, effectively etc. The glittering promise …
Our minds are very good at categorical thinking. In fact that is how we learn things in school. It is either This or that. Black or white. Sukha/Dukha – Pleasure or pain. Maana /Apamaana – Respect or disrespect Male/Female Categorisation …
Just like a seed requires light, water, soil and air to blossom into a tree, the Vedic tradition offers us an insight about four factors that are essential to our learning and growth – आचार्यात् पादमादत्ते पादं शिष्यः स्वमेधया ।सब्रह्मचारिभ्यः …
Our biggest problem is thinking that we should not have a problem. I repeat for this to sink in – Our biggest problem is thinking that we should not have a problem. As life unfolds situations present themselves. They require …
Every person is some sort of a seeker, a sadhaka. Whether you seek to go abroad or return home you are a seeker. Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle you are a seeker and there is a …