#161 Karma Yoga and the Dharma of Love
- Posted by SwaminiB
- Categories Podcast transcripts
- Date 15 February 2022
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Karma becomes Karma Yoga only if we relate to Bhagavan.
There is no Karma Yoga without relating to Bhagavan.
Then, the question is – How do we relate?
Well, it all depends on our understanding of Bhagavan.
In fact, the more you understand Bhagavan, it is not clear where you end and Bhagavan begins.
When we embark on the enquiry of you really are, we see that everything is given.
The body is pervaded by a certain physiological order in its very intelligence and material. The heart seems to know how to pump blood, the lungs seem to know how much to expand and contract, the small intestine seems to know how to assimilate what it needs from whatever food is stuffed – the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins that the body needs. The kidneys are at their job of filtering blood 180 times a day. This intelligence is not ordinary. It rests in a conscious being and we learn from the Shastra that it is indeed Bhagavan. The intelligence and the material is given.
Modern science has hypnotized us into believing that these are mechanical laws of nature but going by historicity of science we know that Newton decided to remove God from his articulation of the laws because of problems between the church and the state.
The mind is pervaded by a psychological order in its very intelligence and material. We can think, feel, imagine, reason, analyse, synthesise, connect, hypothesise, memorise and so on. There is intelligence in how the human mind or a shark’s mind or a bird’s mind works and that cosmic intelligence is given.
The situations in our lives are intricately woven by the law of karma. This influences the parents and siblings we have, the people we meet in college, the person we date, the children we have, the place we relocate to, the choice of professions, our hobbies, the condition of our health etc. The intelligence of how the law of karma functions including our free will, is given.
The uniqueness of Vedanta lies in showing us that wherever the given is, the giver is.
The giver is Bhagavan in the form of the intelligence and material that pervade the physiological, psychological, karmic order and any other order of laws that you can think of. Bhagavan is defined as abhinna-nimitta-upaadaana-karanam, the cause that is both the intelligence and material of all forms.
Try and not feel anything for the one who has made your life and living possible.
Try and not feel anything for the one who is present through all your moments of joys and sorrows in all lifetimes.
Try and not feel anything for the one who never denies you the iccha shakti, jnana shakti, kriya shakti that you every moment. Icha shakti is the power to desire, jnana shakti is the power to know and kriya shakti is the power to do.
Try and not feel anything for the one to whom you need not prove yourself or doubt that you will be understood.
Try and not feel anything for the one who is always there for you although you ignored or did not acknowledge, let alone pray or worship.
The bhakta, devotee is born when one recognizes one’s relationship to the total that is Bhagavan.
Devotion or bhakti is another word for love. And so, is the relationship with Bhagavan similar to other relationships? Yes and No. It is similar in that you spend some time to get to know the being, relate to the being, share your life and receive love and support.
No because the role of a devotee does not displace your relationship with your parents or partner. When you relate to your partner you are not relating to your teammate from work. The relationships are exclusive. But the relationship of the devotee to Bhagavan is all encompassing. It casts its love and lights up all our relationships.
And so, relating to Bhagavan with love is relating to all beings with your karma.
Karma becomes Karma Yoga when karma is offered at Bhagavan’s altar. The Dharma of Love is the universal framework by which people feel loved. Some feel loved most by loving words, some by loving actions primarily, others by physical touch or spending quality time or just one’s presence. And some feel loved by a combination of the above ways.
How do you feel loved? This is a question worth answering. For more on this do listen to episode number 13, the link to which is in the description of this episode.
As a devotee, you are no longer just a parent. You are a devotee parent offering your karma at the altar of Dharma that is Bhagavan. Kaushalam lies in doing your dharma for your children and hence Karma Yoga for you is to offer your care, support and growth for your children in the way in which they feel love and support. This requires sensitivity and breaking free from patterns of how we were raised as children. Samatvam lies in accepting them as people while also disciplining their behaviour.
As a devotee-parent your heart expands to not only accommodate your child but the law of karma that shapes your child. As a devotee parent, your resistance and frustration towards your child and the laws of karma lessen.
Your child has been given to you. Where the given is, there is love of the giver.
As a devotee, you are no longer just a partner. You are a devotee partner offering your karma at the altar of Dharma that is Bhagavan. Kaushalam lies in doing your dharma for your partner and hence you strive to embody the values of ahimsa, non-violence, satyam, truth, daya, compassion. You try to embody Shaucham, both external and internal cleanliness and don’t hold on to past hurt and guilt of 20 years ago as well as. You also try to embody indriya-nigraha, mastery of sense organs in your interactions and use the gift of speech to build bridges across chasms of misunderstanding and not burn them.
As a devotee-partner your heart expands to not only accommodate your partner but the law of karma that makes your partner the way he or she is – his/her past experiences and influences.
Your partner has been given to you. Where the given is, there is love of the giver.
As a devotee, you are no longer just a professional. You are a devotee professional offering your karma at the altar of Dharma that is Bhagavan. Kaushalam lies in doing your dharma in the team and performing your responsibilities to the best of your ability. You are open to doing what needs to be done and are willing to take initiative, work hard and contribute to the impact of the company.
As a devotee professional your heart expands to not only accommodate your team members and your boss but also the law of karma that shapes all the people, market conditions, office politics and the dynamics of power.
Your job as a professional has been given to you. Where the given is, there is love of the giver.
You are a devotee first and last. All other relationships come and go.
Is there a time that you as the devotee are not connected to Bhagavan?
Is there a place that you as the devotee are ever away from Bhagavan?
Is there a possibility that you as the devotee are away from the intelligence and material that is Bhagavan?
Where the given is, there is love of the giver.
In the giving and receiving what endures is Love.
In bhakti that is love, it is never quite clear where you end and Bhagavan begins. This is the Dharma of love and we can discover it only through Karma Yoga.
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