#299 Chant these 32 names of Durga to overcome difficulties
- Posted by SwaminiB
- Categories Bhakti, Podcast transcripts
- Date 8 October 2024
- Comments 0 comment
Here are 32 names of Devi Durga. Chanting it regularly for an x number of times, 8 times or 16 times or even 32 times will give you strength, clarity and relief from your difficulties.
Try it and see for yourself atleast once.
दुर्गा दुर्गार्तिशमनी दुर्गापद्विनिवारिणी
दुर्गमच्छेदनी दुर्गसाधिनी दुर्गनाशिनी
दुर्गतोद्धारिणी दुर्गनिहन्त्री दुर्गमापहा
दुर्गमज्ञानदा दुर्गदैत्यलोकदवानला
दुर्गमा दुर्गमालोका दुर्गमात्मस्वरूपिणी
दुर्गमार्गप्रदा दुर्गमविद्या दुर्गमाश्रिता
दुर्गमज्ञानसंस्थाना दुर्गमध्यानभासिनी
दुर्गमोहा दुर्गमगा दुर्गमार्थस्वरूपिणी
दुर्गमासुरसंहन्त्रि दुर्गमायुधधारिणी
दुर्गमांगी दुर्गमता दुर्गम्या दुर्गमेश्वरी
दुर्गभीमा दुर्गभामा दुर्गभा दुर्गदारिणी
The word Durga itself means an invincible fortress as well as a difficulty. By chanting these names we understand 5 points –
Every difficulty, Durga is merely a situation that we don’t yet have the resources to face. If your hands are functioning fine, lifting a spoon from the plate to the mouth is not a difficulty. But for someone who had a paralytic stroke, it may be difficult or not even possible.
The difficulty may be meeting tight timelines at work while managing multiple projects simultaneously or Balancing a household budget with rising costs and unexpected expenses or maintaining a consistent exercise routine amidst a busy schedule and fatigue. The difficulty may be the diagnosis of a terminal illness or constant conflict with family members or balancing work responsibilities with childcare duties and caring for aging parents. Whatever it is, Durga is always here for us.
Every difficulty is a situation born of our own karma phala, our own actions done in this lifetime or previous lifetimes. Please don’t have the childish idea that Ma Durga is punishing us by sending difficulties. The truth is, we are just facing the consequences of our actions. Our choices made then became our destiny now and our choices now will become our future destiny. We choose carefully.
Every difficulty, Durga is a form of Durga Devi. If she allows some of your paapa karmaphala, results of wrong actions to fructify, she will also allow some punya to fructify in the form of clarity, strength and support. And so, no difficulty is daunting.
Every difficulty is an opportunity to grow stronger. Is the 2 year old child who is learning to walk facing a difficulty? Or is she growing by pushing herself? Is the 12 year old working on a school project facing a difficulty or is she learning to apply her skills to a project? Is the 30 year old seeking to get married facing a difficulty of not finding the right partner or is he learning to work on himself to be eligible to be a suitable partner? Is lifting weights in the gym, just a little more than one’s capacity a difficulty or is that the way for the muscles to grow stronger?
We look at the meaning and dwell on Ma Durga.
दुर्गा Durga – The reliever of difficulties
Ma Durga, you relieve me and all devotees from various difficulties and obstacles in life.
दुर्गार्तिशमनी Durgartishamani – She who puts difficulties at peace
Ma Durga, you remove difficulties. You also bring peace and calm in the face of troubles.
दुर्गापद्विनिवारिणी Durgapadviinivarini – Dispeller of difficult adversities
Ma Durga you have the power to ward off calamities and adversities before they can cause harm. You act as a protective shield wherever I go.
दुर्गमच्छेदनी Durgamachchhedani – Who cuts down difficulty
Ma Durga you directly and actively cut down or destroys difficulties.
दुर्गसाधिनी Durgasadhini – The means or sadhana to expel difficulties
Ma Durga the sadhana or the ways available to reach the end are also you. You are the sadhana and the Sadhya.
दुर्गनाशिनी Durganashini – The destroyer of difficulty
Ma Durga, You have the complete power to completely destroy all problems and hindrances in my pursuits at all levels.
दुर्गतोद्धारिणी Durgatoddharini – Who holds the whip of difficulties
Ma Durga you hold the difficulties like a whip. You can direct or restrain them.
दुर्गनिहन्त्री Durganihantri – Who sends difficulties to their destruction.
Ma Durga, you not only destroy difficulties but also ensure that they do not recur.
दुर्गमापहा Durgamapaha – Who measures difficulties
Ma Durga, you assess the extent of difficulties and accordingly allow the law of karma to fructify such that people can handle their own paapa karma.
दुर्गमज्ञानदा Durgamajnanada – Who holds the rarest forms of knowledge
Ma Durga, you hold profund wisdom and also grant wisdom that can help overcome even the most complex difficulties.
दुर्गदैत्यलोकदवानला Durgadaityalokadavanala – Who destroys world of daityas
Ma Durga you not only help people here on martya loka, but you are like a wild fire (davanala) that consumes the world of asuras (daityas). You thus maintain the dynamic cosmic order.
दुर्गमा Durgama – The mother of difficulties
Ma Durga you are the source or mother of difficulties. What is experienced as difficulty by me is karma phala, that is presided by the law of karma. Recognising your presence in all my difficulties gives me a lighter perspective and I use it as an opportunity for growth.
दुर्गमालोका Durgamaloka – The perceiver of difficulties
Ma Durga you clearly perceive difficulties. As sarva-shakti, you know which laws of karma will fructify and your bhakta will experience difficulties. It is comforting to know that you know about the challenges I am going through.
दुर्गमात्मस्वरूपिणी Durgamatmaswarupini – The very Atma of all things impossible
Any difficulty or impossibility is a situation which we have not yet learnt to handle, be it in problems with in laws, visa issues, promotion anticipation, property dispute etc. The situations change but does the isness of the situation which does not have a shape or form, ever change. Ma Durga you are present in all sitautions as you are the very Atma of all.
दुर्गमार्गप्रदा Durgamargaprada – Who gives the path through the difficulties
Ma Durga you have always shown me the way and I trust that you will always show me the way. Just like the forest appears so dense and there seems to be no path to walk on and once you indicate a small way, it is almost like that path opens up.
दुर्गमविद्या Durgamavidya – She who has knowledge that is invincible.
Ma Durga you have knowledge and wisdom that is undefeatable. With your blessings I too can be helped.
दुर्गमाश्रिता Durgamashrita – The refuge in the greatest difficulty
Ma Durga you are my refuge. I feel comforted and protected by you.
दुर्गमज्ञानसंस्थाना Durgamagyanasamsthana – Repository of the rarest wisdom
You are the storehouse of the most profound wisdom. In Kenopanishad you appear as Uma Devi to teach Brahmavidya to the Devas in a flash.
दुर्गमध्यानभासिनी Durgamadhyanabhasini – Whose concentration remains brilliant even in difficulties
Ma Durga your focus was brilliant when you fought Mahishasura or the other asuras like Raktabija, who kept sprouting with every drop of blood of the host of armies of these asuras.
दुर्गमोहा Durgamoha – Controls moha, confusion or delusion
Ma Durga you bless with mastery over the many confusions related to our choices. Should I retire at 50 or at 55? Should I move to another country or stay put? Should I focus on adhikaritvam for Vedanta or just focus on the vision?
दुर्गमगा Durgamaga – Who resolves difficulties
Ma Durga you help me resolve all my problems. Big issues become small issues. Small issues become non issues.
दुर्गमार्थस्वरूपिणी Durgamarthaswarupini – Who is the intrinsic nature of the object of difficulties
Ma Durga you are present in and through all difficulties. May I never lose sight of this
दुर्गमासुरसंहन्त्रि Durgamasurasamhantri – The destroyer of the most ferocious asuras
Ma Durga all the powerful asuras Madhu, Kaitabha, Chanda, Munda and so on had such phenomenal powers that they had terrorised the devatas. But you appeared and destroyed them all. Then, how small might my difficulties be, in the larger scheme of things?
दुर्गमायुधधारिणी Durgamayudhadharini – She who bears the weapons
Ma Durga your weapons are an extension of your shakti only and you This name portrays Durga as armed with unconquerable weapons. It suggests her readiness and capability to face any challenge.
दुर्गमांगी Durgamangi – The refinery of difficulties
Ma Durga you transform challenges into opportunities for growth.
दुर्गमता Durgamata – The invincible
Ma Durga you are undefeatable in the face of any obstacle or enemy.
दुर्गम्या Durgamya – This present difficulty
Ma Durga you are here with me in the immediate, current challenge.
दुर्गमेश्वरी Durgameshwari – Goddess of the difficulties
Ma Durga you have complete dominion over all difficulties. And so when I face them, I am facing you. The difficulty is you. The strength to face it is you. That I overcome the difficulty is you. That I grow in maturity is you. What is it that is me, Durga? All that is here is you. I am not afraid.
दुर्गभीमा Durgabhima – Who is terrible to difficulties
Ma Durga you can be frightening or terrible from the perspective of difficulties themselves or difficult people. They won’t know what hit them.
दुर्गभामा Durgabhama – The splendor of difficulties
Ma Durga I never thought I would say this to you. But when I look back upon my life, all the things that were terrible and unpleasant, I am so glad that they happened. I would not have grown into the person I have become.
दुर्गभा Durgabha – The illuminator of difficulties
Ma Durga you illuminate difficulties as they happen and hence even the right diagnosis of a problem is most of the problem solved. You bring clarity.
दुर्गदारिणी Durgadarini – Who cuts off difficulties
Ma Durga you are always with me. Help me to cut off difficulties so that I reach all my life goals.
So, these were the 32 names which show Ma Durga as Devi with power over all forms of difficulties, challenges, and obstacles. I look upon her as a protector, destroyer, illuminator, and Devi of wisdom as she holds my hand and embraces me through all of my life especially my challenges. She is always with me.
On a related note, the only place where difficulties are not experienced is after your body is dead. Plus, our greatest difficulty is the idea that we should not have no difficulty at all, and hence we resist our own karma phala.
Wise beings like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Sri Ramana Maharshi had cancer which they did not resist. Sri Ramakrishna had embraced Devi.
Om durgayai namah
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