#298 Seeing Devi in ALL
- Posted by SwaminiB
- Categories Bhagavan, Podcast transcripts
- Date 1 October 2024
- Comments 0 comment
A devotee is cleaning her mandir, wiping the murti of Durga. Her heart is heavy with loneliness and hopelessness. It is one of those days where she finds everything meaningless.
She laments – Devi Ma, I have been doing sadhana for so many years but still feel stuck in life. Only you can show me a way out.
Suddenly, she feels a warm presence surrounding her, and in her mind’s eye, she sees the radiant form of Devi, the Divine Mother.
Devotee is speechless for some time.
She then says – I can’t believe it, Devi Ma. You have answered my prayers. Please bless me and teach me that one thing that will help me my whole life.
Devi: My dear, the most important teaching is that I am always with you, within you, and all around you. All that is here is one with different forms.
Devotee: But how, Mother? How can you be everywhere when we are all so different and I feel so isolated?
Devi Listen closely, beloved one. Rishi Markandeya in the Devi Mahatmyam was able to reveal my glory to his disciple and to all of you. hear the dialogue in which it was revealed there that I manifest in many ways in all beings. I pervade all existence through various forms and qualities.
Let me show you how I am always with you and in everything around you.
Devotee: Please, Mother. Help me understand.
Devi speaks – I am Chetana, Consciousness that pervades all beings. From Brahmaji to a blade of grass, every sentient being, I am all that there is. The forms are different. I am in and through all of them and yet I cannot be contained by them. I am that which is the basis of all forms but itself not a form.
Remember what you chanted last Navaratri..Ya Devi..
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु चेतनेत्यभिधीयते ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu cetanety-abhidhi̇̄yate |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is said to be consciousness,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee: What you said was not fully clear to me..
Devi No worries. Know that I am Buddhi – the intellect and wisdom within you. When you ponder the mysteries of life or solve a complex problem or navigate traffic, that spark of understanding is me, guiding your thoughts. I am present as Buddhi in all beings, in the ant that finds its way to its anthill, in the beaver that builds its nest with the right kind of twigs, in the Devas as they use the right strategies to vanquish the asuras.
Devotee: So, when I have those moments of clarity…you are with me…
Devi: Yes, that’s me illuminating your mind.
Please allow me to do a namaskar to you. While bending, she chants
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu buddhi-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of intelligence,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee – Looks up, please continue.
Devi – And I am also Nidra – the sleep that rejuvenates all beings – whether it is the cow who sleeps for just four hours, or fishes that have restful sleep without closing their eyes or human beings who require 6 – 8 hours. In your deepest slumber, I cradle you in my arms, healing your body, easing away your struggles.
Devotee:(smiling softly) It does feel like an embrace. It is nice to wake up in the morning but nicer to stay in bed.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु निद्रारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu nidrā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of sleep,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – Indeed. And I am Kshudha – the hunger that motivates you to nourish yourself. You see I provide for all whether it is the insects and grains for the birds, the nectar for the butterflies, the plants for the goat or the vegetables, fruits and nuts for human beings. Everyone has hunger and everyone ‘s hunger can be satiated. Hunger is the only thing like Brahmavidya which when satisfied, every being can truly say – I am full. I do not need any more!
When you enjoy a meal, savoring each flavor, that satisfaction is my blessing.
Devotee:(placing a hand on her stomach) I never thought of hunger as divine before. In fact I always thought of it as a curse as I equate it to weight gain. How narrow minded I have been! Were it not for hunger, how could I have been nourished?
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षुधारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu kṣudhā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of hunger,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi: I am also Chhaya – the shadow that provides relief from the harsh sun. I allows desert animals to escape the heat, protect sensitive plants and humans from scorching and sunburn, create different areas in a forest such that the entire ecosystem can survive.
Devotee – I never realised this earlier.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu chāyā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||11||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of shadow
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – I am Shakti – the power that flows through you every moment. Lalita Sahasranama refers to me with a word – icchashakti-jnana shakti-kriya shakti svarupini enabling you to desire, do and think. I do not have a rationing system. All the shaktis are present for all beings at all times even though you may feel helpless from time to time. Please know that you have learnt to feel helpless by repeating I cannot …10 times. You repeat something a few times and it becomes your truth. Let ‘s take a small creature like a bird.
The bird has the iccha shakti, the power to desire to create a safe nest for her little ones and backs it with her kriya shakti flying around looking for the right size of twigs for the nest. Not only that, she has the jnana shakti, the power to know, by which she creates an intelligent design for the nest. The bird did not go to the school of architecture to learn this. It is me flowing through her and through all beings.
Devotee:(flexing her fingers) So every movement every being makes is an expression of your shakti.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu śakti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of power,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – And when you thirst for knowledge or spiritual growth, that is me as Trishna – the thirst that helps you in so many ways. When thirst is quenched with the blessing of water all beings are able to maintain their body temperature, manage the processes of digestion, circulation of nutrients, absorption of nutrients and even evacuation comfortably. Whether the creature is a pigeon who can manage with 50 ml or a cow who needs atleast 40 litres a day or a human being who needs anywhere from 2-3 litres a day.
Devotee – Drinking cold water on a hot, summer day is the most refreshing indeed.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु तृष्णारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu tṛṣṇā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of thirst,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee:(leaning forward, intrigued) I can begin to see how you are present in all beings but what about my mind and strong emotions, Devi Ma?
Devi: Ah, I am there too. As Kshama, I am the accommodation and forgiveness that heals your heart. Just as space accommodates everything, I am that space in your heart which can accommodate people who are different from you – different genders, different ideology, different culture. They can all happily co-exist in your heart.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu kṣānti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of forbearance,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
As Jati, I am the group that connects you to your community and gives you identity. You yearn to belong and hence groups and communities based on similar tastes are happy and thrive together. Whether it is a whatsapp group or the Varna group who follow Vaidika Dharma or the walking group in the neighbourhood park, I help you connect and enjoy together.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु जातिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu jāti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of group,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
As Lajja, I am the modesty that makes you shy and humble and guards your dignity. I help you establish and maintain boundaries. As Lajja I help you show respect for different multi-cultural settings and not become arrogant or disrespectful.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु लज्जारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu lajjā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of modesty,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
As Shanti, I am the peace that calms your turbulent mind. Shanti is not the absence of disturbance but the peace despite disturbances.
I help you to be calm and centred whether the disturbance is adhytamika, born of your health conditions or mental states, or the disturbance is adhibhautika, born of the elements and elementals – bugs and people who bug you or the disturbance is adhidaivika, big climate patterns.
Devotee:(closing her eyes) I do feel that peace now.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu śānti- rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of peace,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee – What about when I am exhausted and find life meaningless? Where are you then?
Devi: Then you experience me as Shraddha – the trust that keeps you going. The trust in the law of Karma, the trust that I can be invoked with a mantra, the shraddha that the words of the Veda are true, the trust that people experience when you pay online for a mobile phone, the trust that money donated is going to a worthy cause, the trust that people have when they sit in an Uber, not knowing the driver nor verifying his license but all along trusting the process of life. Shraddha pervades the person and in fact Sri Krishna has spoken elaborately about this in the 17th chapter of the Gita.
Devotee – It is so comforting to trust. I want to be that person whom my loved ones can trust and truly depend on, like I depend on you.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु श्रद्धारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu śradhā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of faith (in higher self),
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – I am that Kanti – the beauty and splendor that shines through the entire creation which fills your heart with delight and wonder – the riot of colors in a sunset, the lush green of a meadow, the stunning aquamarine colors of the ocean, the colorful fishes and corals you see when you go snorkelling.
As Kanti I am present in all your creations too – in the paintings of a painter, the sculpture of a sculptor, the carvings of a temple, the lego creation of your child, the youtube video you masterfully edited, the Instagram reel you made with music, animation and what not, the arrangement of the vegetables on his cart by the vegetable seller, the display of a fashion store.
Devotee – I used to think that appreciating Beauty is shallow but actually we delight in seeing and making everything around us beautiful. Adi Shankaracharya describes your beauty in Soundarya Lahari. Truly, what is beautiful to us makes us happy and what makes us happy is beautiful to us.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु कान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu kānti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of loveliness and beauty,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
When you lead others, I am there as Lakshmi – the prosperity and success that follows righteous action of Dharma.
Devotee – I have to say that all humans love this manifestation of you as wealth. We seek you and obsess over you. We worship you during Deepavali.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu lakṣmi̇̄-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of good fortune,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee:(opening her eyes with wonder) You’re in every aspect of life, aren’t you?
Devi: Indeed, my child. I am Vritti – the mental modifications and activities of your mind. Irrespective of what kind of thought or emotion you have, I am present in all of them. I am present in your deepest, darkest thoughts and even the thought that you don’t believe in my presence. No thought is away from me. All thoughts come from me and are sustained by me.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु वृत्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu vṛtti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi who in all beings is abiding in the form of thoughts,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her,Namah again and again.
Devi – I am Smriti – the memory that holds your experiences, helps you remember all that you have learnt and build a beautiful life and identity for yourself.
Devotee – Only when I see patients with Alzheimer’s disease I can appreciate how much my memory shapes my identity, my learning and pretty much my life
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु स्मृतिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu smṛti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of memory,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – As Daya, I am the compassion that moves you to reach out and help others. As Daya I help you feel what it is like to be in a teenager’s sneakers, what it is like to be in partner’s shoes, what it is like to be in your aging mother’s orthopaedic slipon sandals.
As Daya I help you express your care, compassion and understanding for them. As Daya, I embodied Swami Dayananda Saraswati, your guru who lived a life of compassion, who would think, in every interaction – What can I give rather than What can I get?
Devotee is moved to tears
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु दयारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu dayā-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of kindness,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – As Tushti, I am the contentment you feel after a good deed, the contentment people feel at the end of a long day or the completion of a project, the contentment of a lion relishing the aftertaste of what he ate, the satisfaction that Dharmika people feel when they look back upon a life well lived.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु तुष्टिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu tuṣṭi-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of contentment,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devotee:(with growing excitement) Mother, I’m beginning to see you everywhere now!
Devi: Yes, open your eyes fully to my presence. As Matr, I am the mother’s love present in all beings. It is this love that is instinctively protective and helps beings care for and nurture their young, be it the mother of a calf who licks away the placenta or the mother of birdlings or the mother of an elephant calf or the mother of an olive ridley sea turtle who finds a safe time to hatch her eggs, away from the predators.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu mātṛ-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of mother,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Devi – By the way, As Bhranti, I am even the confusion that sometimes clouds your mind, for it too serves a purpose in your growth.
Devotee:(puzzled) Even confusion is you, Mother? How can that be possible?
Devi: Yes, for it is through resolving confusion that wisdom often dawns. Confusion means multiple perspectives and hence it motivates you towards clarity. The right enquiry of why you suffer leads you to the right diagnosis of ignorance of your true nature. Why don’t you know? Because there is error in thinking due to me Bhranti and not because you drank brandy. So there is confusion. You confuse the body to be the real you and have sorrow because the body is going to die one day. But you are timeless like me. Were it not for me in this form, you would not be motivated to seek the truth.
It is amazing that you can be buddhi as well as Bhranti.
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु भ्रान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
yā devi̇̄ sarva-bhuteṣu bhrānti-rūpeṇa saṁsthitā |
namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namas-tasyai namo namaḥ ||
To that devi̇̄ who in all beings is abiding in the form of delusion,
Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah to her, Namah again and again.
Remember, I am also Medhā – the intellectual capacity that helps you reason and hold multiple perspectives. Whether you are holding the different purvapakshas against Vedanta or the different perspectives of why your teenager should be allowed more screen time and more pocket money, I am present in all as Medha.
Devotee:(standing up, filled with new energy) Mother, I feel so differently now. The world seems alive with your presence!
Devi: (with a loving smile) Sweetheart, Now you’re beginning to truly see. In the strength of the trees, you’ll find my Shakti. In the nurturing earth beneath your feet, feel my Matr aspect. The wind that caresses your cheek carries my Daya, my compassion for all beings.
Devotee:(spinning around, taking in her surroundings) It’s incredible, Mother! The flowers… their beauty is your Kanti, isn’t it?
Devi: Exactly! And their growth from tiny seeds is the plants’ Vritti and Shakti in action. The birds migrating in hundreds across the sky in a beautiful pattern? That is me as Jati, creating community and belonging. Now what was that about – Birds of a feather flock together. .
Devotee:(listening intently) I hear them now, Mother. It’s beautiful. But… what about when I encounter difficult people or situations?
Devi: Ah, that’s when you must remember me most of all. In the face of anger, become my Kshama – accommodation.
When faced with doubt, embody my Medhā – wisdom.
In times of conflict, radiate my Shanti – peace.
Devotee:(nodding thoughtfully) And I suppose in moments of abundance, I should remember your Lakshmi aspect and share with others?
Devi: You’re understanding deeply now, my child. Yes, recognize prosperity as a flow of energy and asset exchange, meant to be circulated for the good of all.
When you’re in a leadership position, let my Lakshmi guide you towards decisions that benefit the whole.
Devotee: (sitting back down, cross-legged) Mother, how can I maintain this awareness of your presence in my daily life? There are bills to be paid, annoying people to deal with, aging parents to look after…
Devi: Practice, dear one. Start your day by invoking my presence in all things.
As you wake, thank me as Nidra for your rest.
As you eat, honor me as Kshudha.
As you work, recognize me as Shakti and Medhā flowing through you.
Devotee:(closing her eyes, practicing) I see… and when I interact with others?
Devi: See me in them too.
The intelligence in their eyes is my Buddhi. Their kindness is my Daya. Their bad behaviour is due to bhranti, confusion. Their unique talents are expressions of my diverse manifestations.
You are never alone and always connected with everyone because of me.
Devotee:(opening her eyes, radiant) Mother, I feel so full of love and connection now. How could I have ever felt alone when you pervade everything?
Devi: That is my great Maya shakti because of which sometimes the truth is not obvious and hence you make errors. But, now that you remember, let this knowledge transform how you move through the world.
Devotee:I will, Mother. I commit to seeing you in all things, at all times.
Devi: And in doing so, you’ll become a lighthouse for others.
Your joy will remind them of my Tushti. Your compassion will awaken my Daya in their hearts.
Your wisdom will spark my buddhi in their minds.
Devotee:(standing up, resolutely) I’m ready, Mother. To see you in all and to be an instrument of you in the world.
Devi: (her form beginning to merge with the surroundings)
Remember, dear one. In moments of doubt, look for me in the courage that rises within you – that’s my Shakti. In moments of confusion, trust the clarity that eventually comes – that’s my Buddhi.
In moments of loneliness, feel the beat of your heart – that’s my eternal rhythm, pulsing through all of life.
Devotee:(pressing her hands to her heart) I feel it, Devi Ma. Thank you for this blessing of all blessings.
Devi: (her voice now seeming to come from everywhere) I am always here, my child. In every breath, every heartbeat, every moment.
As you walk in my light, surrounded by my love, embodying my different forms, may you know that you are never alone, for I am you, and you are me. We have always been one in this grand dance of manifestation.
As the Divine Mother’s voice fades, the devotee finds herself back at home in front of her mandir. But now, everything seems different. The colors are more vivid, the air feels alive with energy, and her heart is full of peace and purpose. She stands, ready to face the world with new eyes – eyes that see the Devi, in all.
All in one and One in All.
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