# 261 The meaning of Sri Ramachandra Krpalu bhajamana (the invitation to Sri Rama)
Sriramachandra kripalu bhajaman is a stuti, verses of praise, composed by Goswami Tulsidas ji who invites Sri Rama to reside in our hearts.
It was written sometime in the sixteenth century, in a combination of Sanskrit and Braj languages. Sri Ramachandra krpalu is the 45th stanza of the Vinay Patrika, one of Tulsidas ji’s last compositions.
Interestingly Vinay Patrika, a humble letter of petition is addressed to different devatas primarily being Sri Rama for help against different types of binding desires and forms of adharma.
Infused with love for Bhagavan Sri Rama it talks about his glories and invites Sri Rama to reside in our hearts.
We will play the bhajan sung by our beloved guru, Pujya Swami Dayananda ji. His bhaava to Sri Rama, the meaning of the words will move you to tears. After each verse we will pause, see the meaning and proceed. We might dwell on some of the words.
॥ श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु ॥
श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणम् ।
नवकञ्ज लोचन कञ्जमुख कर कञ्जपद कञ्जारुणम् ॥ १ ॥
O mind! Revere the compassionate Shree Ramachandra, who removes ‘Bhava’ the Sorrow or Pain,’Bhaya’ the fear, and ‘Darun’ the scarcity or poverty.
Who has fresh lotus eyes, lotus face and lotus hands, lotus like feet and like the rising sun
The mind is a flow of thoughts. Hence Tulsidasji says that we can easily direct the mind – bhaja mana – O mind, revere and worship Shri Ramachandra Kripalu Sri Ramachandra who is extremely compassionate.
We see Sri Rama’s compassion across the Ramayana.
From his compassion and understanding of his step mother,
to him getting off his chariot out of respect, to walk with the elderly citizens of his kingdom who struck with grief about having to leave Ayodhya,
to his compassion for the Rishis who seek protection from Sri Rama to kill the asuras in the forest,
to compassion for Sugreeva’s condition and agreeing to help him,
to his compassion for the elderly Shabari who gives him the berfruit but only after tasting it. His tales of kindness and compassion are endless.
May Sri Rama do haran or remove ‘bhava’ the sorrow of becoming.
We struggle to accept ourselves despite achieving a lot and trying to become better at many things. No matter how much we try we are still plagued by ‘I am not enough’. This bhava, problem of becoming can be removed by the love and acceptance of Sri Rama. Our growing love for Sri Rama makes us see that indeed ‘I am acceptable and loveable’.
May Sri Rama take away bhaya fear.
Bhaya or Fear prevents us from living a complete life. The fear of failure in starting something new, the fear of giving up a comfortable but stuck in a rut kind of job, the fear of committing to a long term relationship, the fear of disease and dying. We can be stuck and feel so paralysed that our days are colored by fear and slowly the fear starts to spread its tentacles to all areas of our lives.
May Sri Rama take away darunam, poverty and scarcity.
Not having basic necessities, one is always in a survival mode trying to just get by from one day to the next.
A lot of the street children I worked with were just focused on getting enough food to eat and a safe place to sleep. There was no time nor attention for learning or building a foundation for life.
Sometimes we can become so anxious about money that we can be consumed by only money.
We have the ability to think of so many other issues but we don’t.
Even if we have basic necessities some of us may be always focused on ‘What I don’t have’ or the scarcity mindset rather than ‘What I already have’, the abundance mindset.
A scarcity mindset or a mindset of leaves you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and paralyzed. An abundance mindset leaves you feeling excited, motivated, and ready for action.
The second line is a description of his physical form. Kanja means lotus.
The uniqueness of a lotus is that it belongs to the pond and yet its leaves are untouched by the waters. Droplets do not wet it but become pearl like formations. Sri Rama is of the world and in his svarupa remains untouched by the world.
He is the one has Navakanja Lochana fresh lotus eyes, Kanja Mukhakara lotus face and lotus hands, Kanja Pada lotus like feet and like Kanjaarunam the rising sun
कंदर्प अगणित अमित छबि नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम् ।
पटपीत मानहुं तड़ित रूचि-शुची नौमि जनक सुतावरम् ॥ २ ॥
His image exceeds countless Cupids, like a fresh, blue-hued cloud — magnificent ।
His amber-robes appear like lightning, pure, captivating.
Revere this groom of Janaka’s daughter ॥2॥
Kandarpa also known as Kamadeva or Manmatha with his arrows of flowers invokes the latent love in people ‘s hearts when they see and spend time each other.
With just one Kandarpa, people becoming so loving to each other. And Sri Rama ‘s image exceeds countless Kandarpas Kandarpa Aganita Amita Chabi.
Sri Ramachandra is Nava Neela Neeraj Sundaram is ever fresh, like a blue blooming lotus, and magnificent.
Maanahu O Mind may you revere this form in patapita – yellow amber robes which are Tadita Ruchi Shuchi Naumi shining like lightning (on His cloud-like body), his beauty is gleaming. He is janak sutaavaram the consort of the daughter of Janak (Sita).
भजु दीन बन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्यवंशनिकन्दनम् ।
रघुनन्द आनंदकंद कोशल चन्द दशरथ नन्दनम् ॥ ३ ॥
Sing praises of Sri Rama, Who is the friend of the poor, Who is the Lord of Sun, Who destroyed the clan of the daanavas of Danu and Diti, Who is the dear one of Raghu, Who is a source of happiness, Who is like a moon for Kosala Desa, and Who is dear one of his father Dashrath || 3 ||
Bhaju Deena Bandhu May you worship Sri Rama who being the warrior prince, did not sit in his ivory tower. He was always a friend of the poor and helpless. We see this during his entire time in the forest, as he met sages, vaanaras and other beings.
After the battle was over and he was crowned the king, the description of Ramarajya says – While Rama was ruling the kingdom, the world was bereft of thieves and robberies. Every creature felt pleased. Everyone was intent on virtue. No one felt worthless people survived for thousands of years, with thousands of their progeny, all free of illness and grief.
Dinesh He belonged to the Solar dynasty and stood in the lineage of Surya Bhagavan. He is the Lord of the day and hence the Sun.
Daanav Daityavansha Nikandanam – Asuras like Hiranyakashipu and Raktabija were born to Diti and Sri Rama destroyed the clan that had wreaked havoc and were trying to usurp the powers of the devas.
Raghunanda Raghu was the name of Sri Rama’s great grandfather and the entire dynasty is also referred to as Raghukula or Raghuvamsha..
Aananda Kanda – He is the root of happiness. Even the word ‘Rama’ is based on the dhatu, ‘ram’ – that which you revel in, that which you find joy in.
Sri Rama’s father Dasharatha was the ruler of the Koshala Desha and so his most beloved son
Dasharatha Nandanam was Chanda Koshala as enchanting as the moon for his region.
सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदारु अङ्ग विभूषणम् ।
आजानुभुज शर चापधर सङ्ग्राम-जित-खर दूषणम् ॥ ४ ॥
Sing praises of Sri Ram, Who has a beautiful crown on His head, Who is adorned with ear-hoops, Who has a beautiful colored mark (tilak) on His forehead,
Who is decorated with beautiful ornaments, Who has long arms reaching His knees, Who holds a bow and an arrow, and Who defeated Khara and Dushan in a fierce battle. || 4 ||
We have an inherent love for beauty. We love to gaze at a beautiful form and when that being is Sri Rama, we want to keep gazing at him such that we capture him in our mind’s eyes. Like when we go to a temple for darshan, you have only a few seconds and you try to capture the glorious image so that when you return to your work or home, you can return to your Bhagavan in your mind’s eye, so that he can anchor you again and again.
Khara and his twin Dushana were the cousin brothers of Ravana. After Lakshmana cut off Shurpanakha’s nose, Khara fought against Rama and Lakshmana. During this fight, Khara lost and was killed by Rama, who also killed his brother Dushana.
There might be a pun on the word Dushanam, which means pollutants such as our cravings which prevent us from seeing the reality as is.
इति वदति तुलसीदास शङ्कर शेष मुनि मनरञ्जनम् ।
मम हृदयकञ्ज निवास कुरु कामादि खलदलगञ्जनम् ॥ ५ ॥
Thus Tulsidas says that Sri Rama, is the one who pleases the mind of Lord Shiv, Shesh (Sheshnag), and sages.
May you always reside in my lotus-like heart and destroy the effects generated by binding desire, anger, greed. || 5 ||
When Sri Rama resides in my heart there is no room for obsessive desires and the resulting anger, jealousy and hatred.
When Sri Rama resides in my hearts, there is love in my life – love for purpose, love for the roles we play and love for the people around us.
When Sri Rama resides in our hearts, there is love for dharma and love to do the right thing
What is dharma, if not love?
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