#313 Sharada Bhujanga Stotram – its meaning and blessing (Adi Shankaracharya)
- Posted by SwaminiB
- Categories Adi Shankaracharya, Podcast transcripts, Stotra
- Date 1 February 2025
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Devi Saraswati is revered as the goddess of knowledge, education, learning, arts, speech, poetry, music, purification, language and culture. Together with the Goddesses Lakshmi and Parvati, she forms the trinity, known as Tridevi. Devi Saraswati is also known as Śāradā.
Śāradā signifies absolute, clear jnāna (knowledge), unobstructed knowledge that is free from doubts.
She is worshipped as Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati, the Goddesses of the Gayatri Mantra, and is also identified at various times with Mahesvari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati.
Goddess Saradamba was originally installed by Adi Sankaracharya, as a Sriyantra carved on a rock, with a sandalwood image of the Goddess. According to most Sankara-vijayams (biographical works), the origin of the Sharada temple in Sringeri is traced to the debate that Sankaracharya had with Ubhaya Bharati, the wife of Mandana Misra who challenged Sankaracharya to debate. After the debate with her, Ubhaya Bharati transformed into Goddess Saraswati.
Sankaracharya praised the Devi, ‘Devi! O Mother who is Brahman! I have one request for you. Manifesting as Jnana shakti, you have to incarnate in Rishya Sringa Parvata that is Sringeri, and abide there as a living Goddess. Devi Saraswati agreed to do so and said ‘Tatha-astu’ (May it be so)
Goddess Saradamba represents the Saguna Brahman as Jaganmata, the Great Mother of the universe. She is also guru-rupini, as She showers Her grace on the devotees through the Shankaracharyas and other Acharyas and Gurus.
Adi Shankaracharya composed this stōtram, praising Goddess Śāradā, in bhujaṅga prayātā metre similar to other bhujaṅga stōtrams – Subrahmanya and Devi bhujaṅgam.
This Śāradā-bhujaṅga comprises of eight shlokas and so is an āṣṭakam.
In the Stotram, the last line is common – भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् – I worship Mother Sharada who is my Eternal Mother and has been my mother across lifetimes.
When I feel alone, I remember that I have an Eternal Mother who is always with me. When I achieve something, I know I have You to thank and share my joy with. When I feel lost, I know I can always come to You for comfort and guidance.
सुवक्षोजकुम्भां सुधापूर्णकुंभां
प्रसादावलम्बां प्रपुण्यावलम्बाम् ।
सदास्येन्दुबिम्बां सदानोष्ठबिम्बां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ १॥
(Namaskar to Mother Sharada) Whose beautiful Bosom is filled with the Pitcher of Nectar, inside which rests abundant Grace and Auspiciousness,
Whose Face always reflect the Beauty of Moon, over which Her Lips always shine like (reddish) Bimba Fruits, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
suvakṣojakumbhāṃ sudhāpūrṇakumbhāṃ Who has a beautiful pot – like bosom and holds an amruta – (nectar) filled pitcher in her hand. Sudha or Amrta (nectar of life) refers to knowledge. You are ready to offer those who seek knowledge.
prasādāvalambāṃ prapuṇyāvalambām – Devi Sharada your grace, kindness and compassion are my support and protection. Without your grace, no knowledge is possible, let alone vishesha (special) punya.
In moments when I feel drained, I remember your blessings are always flowing towards me, even when I don’t recognize them. Every small joy in my life, every moment of peace, is a drop from Your pitcher of grace.
The auspiciousness (Prapunya) shows me that by staying connected to You, my life naturally aligns with dharma. When I face difficult decisions, I can turn to you, knowing that Your auspiciousness guides me towards the right path.
sadāsyendubimbāṃ sadānoṣṭhabimbāṃ – Whose face is always like the round moon
Just like the moon’s cooling, gentle light reminds me to approach life with tranquility, when anger or frustration arise within me, I see Your moonlike face and feel those heated emotions cooling down. Your serenity becomes my serenity, teaching me to maintain inner peace regardless of external circumstances.
Whose mouth and lips are as red as bimba fruit which remind me of the sweetness of Your teachings and the truth of Your words.
When doubts cloud my mind or when I’m unsure of my path, I remember Your lips. They remind me that truth, when coming from You, is always sweet, even if it might initially seem difficult to accept.
Every time I speak, I try to remember you, inspiring me to speak with kindness, truth, and wisdom.
कटाक्षे दयार्द्रां करे ज्ञानमुद्रां
कलाभिर्विनिद्रां कलापैः सुभद्राम् ।
पुरस्त्रीं विनिद्रां पुरस्तुङ्गभद्रां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ २॥
Whose Glance is moist with Compassion, and Whose Hand shows the Jnana Mudra (Gesture of Knowledge),
Who expands the growth of all Knowledge, and Who looks Auspicious by Her Ornaments,
Who is the ever-Awake Mother Goddess of the Town (of Sringeri), the Blessed Town (by the bank of) river Tunga which is ever Auspicious,
I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
kaṭākṣe dayārdrāṃ – Even your glance is moist with compassion. I see you looking at me with compassion, showing me that I am acceptable, worthy and competent.
kare jñānamudrāṃ – Chinmudra is the union of the index finger (standing for Jeevātma) and the thumb (Paramātma), forming a circle which stands for infinity, with no beginning nor end.
Like Sri Dakshinamurti, you gesture the chinmudra through your hand pointing to timelessness that is oneself.
kalābhirvinidrāṃ kalāpaiḥ subhadrām – Devi is the master of all arts and you bless the growth and expansion of all 64 art forms. Without you there would be no new books, no new art, no expansion of knowledge, no science, no math, no letters whatsoever.
Through your blessings, you remain ever vigilant in guiding us, never sleeping, never tiring. Your presence adorned with sacred ornaments fills me with awe and peace – each gleam a reminder of your eternal grace.
purastrīṃ vinidrāṃ purastuṅgabhadrāṃ – In blessed Sringeri, you dwell as the ever-wakeful Divine Mother, by the flowing waters of the Tunga. The very soil is sanctified by your presence, and the river sings your eternal glory.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām – I worship mother Śāradā, the universal mother of knowledge, who is my eternal mother.
ललामाङ्कफालां लसद्गानलोलां
स्वभक्तैकपालां यशःश्रीकपोलाम् ।
करे त्वक्षमालां कनत्प्रत्नलोलां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ३॥
Whose Forehead is decorated with a beautiful Curved Mark, and Who is moved by beautiful Song and Music (sung by the Devotees), Who is the one Refuge of Her Devotees, to whom She bestows Glory and Prosperity which radiates from her two Cheeks, Who holds the Mala in Her Hand, whose gentle movement moves the Tradition, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother,
lalāmāṅkaphālāṃ lasadgānalolāṃ Some ornaments adorn your forehead or it can be kasturi tilakam that adds beauty to the forehead, which I gaze at in reverence.
When devotees sing, I see how you enjoy their songs as their melodies touch your heart.
svabhaktaikapālāṃ yaśaḥśrīkapolām ; Who is the one refuge of her devotees, Who protects her devotees by granting them the knowledge of the reality which is the best protection that one can have.
Shāstra mentions that – jnānāt eva hi kaivalyam – Mōksha is attained only through the knowledge of Brahman. One is thus saved from the miseries of Samsāra, a life of becoming.
kare tvakṣamālāṃ kanatpratnalolāṃ Who holds the Rudraksha mala in your Hand, whose gentle movement moves the Tradition
As I watch the mala moving through your gentle fingers, I understand how you guide the flow of tradition – not rigid, but fluid like a river, nurturing new generations while preserving ancient wisdom.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām – I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
सुसीमन्तवेणीं दृशा निर्जितैणीं
रमत्कीरवाणीं नमद्वज्रपाणीम् ।
सुधामन्थरास्यां मुदा चिन्त्यवेणीं
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ४॥
Whose Hair is parted (in the middle) and forms a Braid, the Beauty of her eyes surpassing the eyes of the Black Deer, Her Delightful Voice like a Parrot, before which the one with Vajra in Hand (i.e. Indra Deva) bows down, She stirs up a Play of Nectar which should be meditated upon as a stream of Joy (within the Heart), I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother,
susīmantaveṇīṃ dṛśā nirjitaiṇīṃ – Whose Hair is beautifully parted (in the middle) and forms a Braid, the beauty of your eyes surpasses the eyes of the female deer.
On a related note, the samskāra (function) which is done when a woman becomes pregnant is called sīmantonnayanam – parting of the hair is done by the husband as a mark of the auspiciousness and for the wellness of the baby-to-be-born.
ramatkīravāṇīṃ namadvajrapāṇīm ; Your Delightful Voice is like a Parrot, before which the one with Vajra in Hand (i.e. Indra Deva) bows down or worships her,
There is a legend in Vedas on how Indra teaches Brahma-Vidya to certain Devas and Rishis who shine with knowledge.
There is another legend from Vedas where the sage Bharadwāja wants to master all Vedas. When his allocated life of 100 years was complete, he prays to Bhagavān for the extension of his life, with a mission to mastering the Vedas. Indra appears before him and grants his wish, extending his life for another 100 years. At the end of 200 years, the sage gets a second extension for another 100 years, and only for the purpose of mastering Vedas. At the end of 300 years, sage Bharadwāja felt there was more knowledge left to be acquired and prays again to Bhagavān.
Indra appears before him and explains that the knowledge acquired by him over 300 years is like a handful of soil, while the actual knowledge is as big as three mountains, which he shows him. The compassionate Indra then suggests to the sage to ask for Brahma Vidya. Sage Bharadwāja learns his lesson and seeks Brahma-Vidya. That is the greatness of Indra whose knowledge comes from Saraswati.
sudhāmantharāsyāṃ mudā cintyaveṇīṃ She stirs up a Play of Nectar which should be meditated upon as a stream of Joy (within the Heart)
The knowledge of Brahma-vidya is Amrtam which means na-mrtam, not subject to death or one’s immortality. The Ananda, fullness that one is, is Ananta, without any boundaries. Knowledge is always compared to a river as it is never static but ever flowing. While knowledge expands by giving, wealth shrinks by giving. Hence jnāna is like a flowing stream of fullness which is to be meditated upon in one’s heart flowing into all areas of life and actions.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother,
सुशान्तां सुदेहां दृगन्ते कचान्तां
लसत्सल्लताङ्गीमनन्तामचिन्त्याम् ।
स्मरेत्तापसैः सङ्गपूर्वस्थितां तां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ५॥
Who is very Calm with a Beautiful Form; Whose Eyes and Hair extends (Endlessly), Her Shining Form like a Creeper is Endless and Inconceivable, is contemplated upon by the Ascetics; Whose Form which existed prior to Creation, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
suśāntāṃ sudehāṃ dṛgante kacāntāṃ Who is very Calm with a Beautiful Form; And the Hair and Eyes extends endlessly.
In the Gita, Bhagavān mentions sashāntiṃ adhigacchati– the one who knows the truth gains a peace that cannot be surpaseed. He also asks? ashāntasya kutaḥ sukham? – if someone doesn’t attain shānti, how can he be comfortable?
Shānti stands for steady abidance of mind in the knowledge of oneself as Brahman. Saraswati represents this Shānti because she is in the very form of jnāna (knowledge).
dṛgante kacāntāṃ – The beauty of the hair and the eyes are being described. Eyes are so long that they go right up to the hair, and hair is so dense and beautiful that it comes right up to the eyes.
lasatsallatāṅgīmanantām-acintyām Whose Shining Form like a Creeper is Endless and Inconceivable
Latāṅgīm – latā is a creeper, anga means limbs. Here Devi’s limbs are compared to a beautiful creeper which is not rigid and huge. Kalpalatā, a creeper in swarga-loka (heaven) is said to be shining brilliantly. This is more for our visualisation and for us to relate. Really speaking she is Ananta, boundless and cannot be objectified with thoughts and words.
smṛtāṃ tāpasaiḥ sargapūrvasthitāṃ tāṃ Tapasvis or Ascetics are always meditating upon Śāradāmba, as they are interested in only jnāna (knowledge). Devi has no beginning and no end and is ever-present. She was present even before the creation.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother
कुरङ्गे तुरङ्गे मृगेन्द्रे खगेन्द्रे
मराले मदेभे महोक्षेऽधिरूढाम् ।
महत्यां नवम्यां सदा सामरूपां
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ६॥
(Salutations to Mother Sharada) Who rides on a Deer (Kuranga), Who rides on a Horse (Turanga), Who rides on the king of Animals (Lion) (Mrigendra), Who rides on the king of Birds (Eagle) (Khagendra), Who rides on a Swan (Marala), Who rides on an Intoxicated Elephant (Mada Iva), and Who rides on a Large Bull (Mahoksha), She manifests Nine Great Forms, but She is always very Tranquil, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
kuraṅge turaṅge mṛgendre khagendre marāle madebhe mahokṣe’dhirūḍhām – During the Mahā Navami and on the previous days leading to Navami, Devi mounts on some of the vāhanas.
Saraswati and Navarātri Pūja are recollected in this shloka.
The beauty and elegance of how we celebrate Navarātri by relating to Devi and her vahanas were described here.
mahatyāṃ navamyāṃ sadā sāmarūpāṃ Sāma is the balance of mind, free from agitation. She is also in the form of Sāma Veda. Though Devi is the form of all Vedas, Sāma Veda is regarded as the sweetest and Devi is considered as the form of Sāma. Sāma Veda derives its name because of the quality of being very pleasant due to the balance of mind and Shānti.
All Devatas including Sharada are described in Stotras to be specially fond of Sama Veda. Bhagawān mentions this in Srimad Bhagavad Gita as Vedānām Sāma Vedōsmi. Among the three Vedās, I am Sāma Veda.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
ज्वलत्कान्तिवह्निं जगन्मोहनाङ्गीं
भजे मानसाम्भोजसुभ्रान्तभृङ्गीम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ७॥
(Salutations to Mother Sharada) Whose Form shines with the Beauty of a Blazing Fire, which enchants the whole World, I worship (meditate) within the Lotus of my Mind (Heart) that wondrous Form which wanders like a Bee, Who shines with the Glory of Her own Stotra set to the melody of Music and Dance, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother,
jvalatkāntivahniṃ jaganmohanāṅgīṃ Whose form shines brilliantly like fire which is enchanting for the whole world. One cannot take their eyes off your form.
bhajanmānasāmbhojasubhrāntabhṛṅgīm I meditate within the lotus of my mind that she should ever remain in my mind like a bee.
The bee that is intoxicated by the honey does not leave the lotus. Here lotus refers to the mind. My mind should become a lotus (with so much nectar/honey) so that Devi Saraswati as a bee, abides in the lotus of mind.
Nijastotra-saṅgītanṛtya-prabhāṅgīṃ Whenever Devi finds somebody playing music in praise of her, dancing to please her, chanting her stotra, Devi becomes enchanting and she becomes more luminous. Whose happiness is indeed your brilliance.
Devi becomes very pleased with Saṅgīta and nṛtya as offerings.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother.
लसन्मन्दहासप्रभावक्त्रचिह्नाम् ।
भजे शारदाम्बामजस्रं मदम्बाम् ॥ ८॥
Whose Eyes are like the Unborn Lotus on the water of this World; (those Eyes) which are worshipful, Whose Shining Face is marked by a Gentle Smile, Whose Ears are adorned with Beautiful Ear-Rings, moving, I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother!
Bhavāmbhoja-netrāja-sampūjyamānāṃ Whose Eyes are like the Unborn (Immortal) Lotus on the water of this World; whose eyes are worshipful
Lasan-mandahāsa-prabhā-vaktracihnām Your face is marked by a special radiance, which is caused by a gentle smile.
calaccañcalācārutāṭaṅkakarṇāṃ Whose eyes are beautified by their movement, and your moving tāṭaṅkas (ear studs) add to your beauty.
Whenever Devi turns her eyes, her face turns and the ear studs also move. The movement of ear studs is so beautiful and adds to the beauty of the moving eyes.
bhaje śāradāmbāmajasraṃ madambām I worship Mother Sharada, Who is my Eternal Mother
As I worship You, my Eternal Mother, I feel a profound connection not just to You, but to all of creation. For if You are the Mother of all, then all beings are deeply connected to me. This helps me be warm and compassionate.
O Mother Sharada, as I reflect on these verses and its deep meaning in my life, I am filled with gratitude and love.
Through You, I understand that my true self is beyond this temporary body and fleeting life circumstances. You show me that I am, in essence, sacred and eternal, just like You.
Let me always remember the nectar of Your grace, the serenity of Your form and the eternal bond we share. In seeing You, may I recognize the sacredness of myself and all beings.
Jai Maa Sharada!
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