#254 The Powerful blessing and Meaning of Kalabhairava Ashtakam
In our younger days, time seems like a forever friend as our life ‘s experiences stretch on. As seasons change and the decades pass, we become more conscious of the effects of time on our lives – ageing and decline in body capacities. Time especially looms large when faced with the death or illness of a loved one or oneself.
In the Vedic tradition, Kala or time is considered a devata and worshipped. The worship of time allows us to not take our time for granted. Since we can never know the amount of time we have left in life, we make the most of it. Some of us fear time as it ebbs away. However, there is someone whom even Kala devata fears. He is known as Kalabhairava, a fierce form of Lord Shiva. Bhairava originates from the word bhīru, which means “fearsome”. Bhairava means “terribly fierce form”. He is also the one who destroys fear or one who is beyond time.
In the Hindu month of Kartika in the fortnight of Krishna paksha, the waning moon, on the eighth day, generally in Nov-Dec, Bhairava Jayanti, the appearance of Bhairava is celebrated.
The Shiva Purana tells us that Lord Brahma and Vishnu were having a conversation, in which Vishnu inquired of Brahma, “Who is the supreme creator of the Universe?” Arrogantly, Brahma told Vishnu to worship him as Supreme Creator. Later, Brahma thought “I have five heads. Shiva also has five heads. I can do everything that Shiva does and therefore I am Shiva.” Brahma became a little arrogant as a result of this. Additionally, he began to forget the work of Shiva and also started interfering in what Shiva was supposed to be doing. Consequently, Shiva threw a small strand of hair from his head which assumed the form of Kala Bhairava and casually went to cut off one of Brahma’s heads. The skull or kapaala of Brahma of Brahma is held in the hands of Kala Bhairava, Brahma’s pride was destroyed and from then on, he became useful to the world, and deeply grateful to Shiva.
The head of Brahma stuck to Bhairava’s left palm due to the paapa of killing Brahma. To atone for the act of harming Lord Brahma, Bhairava had to perform the vow of a Kapali, wandering the world with the skull as his begging bowl. It is said that his paapa was finally nullified when Bhairava reached the holy city of Kashi and the kapala, skull dropped from his hand known as Kapalmochana, and sure enough a beautiful powerful temple of Kalabhairava has been constructed there.
In Kashi, he oversees the task of maintaining law and discipline through presiding over the karma accounts of jivas. He is referred to as ‘Kashi ka kotwal’ which literally means the Chief Police Officer. Fear of him keeps people on the path of Dharma.
Sri Kala Bhairava is specifically worshipped for success, wealth, health and removal of obstacles. A devotee is freed from the effects of paapa and the fear of death. He appears fearful because all fear is rooted in the ahankara, the limited sense of self.
Death seems to be the most fearful of all human experiences because at that instance the sense of self which binds the mind to the physical is snapped and causes a shock to the person, if he/she is not prepared for death
Also known as kshetrapaala, the protector of the eight directions, he can be prayed to for the protection of your place extending all the way to protection of your country such that its citizens uphold dharma.
Aghoris and people practising tantra particularly pray to this form of Shiva.
His state of boundless freedom is depicted as Shiva residing in a cremation ground where there are no more attachments, holding a skull, drinking wine indicative of divine intoxication, cohabiting with women representing the union with shakti, who are drawn to him, and other beings who are drawn to him as they are unconventional and outside the bounds of society.
Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya composed Kalabhairava Ashtakam to worship him. It is a set of 8 powerful verses which if chanted atleast on an Ashtami will bless the devotee immensely.
The refrain is काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे- We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
Our puranas share that Kashi is the centre of the universe. The one who presides over us, who blesses us with wisdom is Shiva, both as Dakshinamurti, Shiva as the Teacher as well as Kalabhairava, fierce form of Shiva.
Adi Shankaracharya had also written a profound set of verses called Kashi Panchakam, where he draws parallels between Kashi the city and Kashi which also means light, the luminous one that is the Atma that is you. The link to the video playlist is in the description of the episode.
We look at the meaning now.
।। कालभैरवाष्टकम् ।।
व्यालयज्ञ–सूत्रमिन्दु–शेखरं कृपाकरम् ।
नारदादि–योगिबृन्द–वन्दितं दिगम्बरं
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।१।।
vyāḻayajña-sūtramindu-śekharaṃ kṛpākaram ।
nāradādi-yogibṛnda-vanditaṃ digambaraṃ
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 1 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Whose Lotus-Feet are served by Indra, the King of the Devas,
Who wears a snake as a sacred thread, who has the moon on his forehead, Who is Extremely Compassionate.
Who is Praised by sage Narada and other Yogis, and Who is Digambara (Clothed by space and its directions, signifying that He is Ever-Free).
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
भानुकोटि–भास्वरं भवब्धितारकं परं
नीलकण्ठ–मीप्सितार्थ–दायकं त्रिलोचनम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।२।।
bhānukoṭi-bhāsvaraṃ bhavabdhitārakaṃ paraṃ
nīlakaṇṭhamīpsitārtha-dāyakaṃ trilocanam ।
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 2 ৷৷
We worship Sri Kalabhairava who has the Brilliance of a Million Suns, Who helps us cross over the ocean of worldly living of birth and death (characterised by constant becoming as one is not enough). Who is the Limitless.
Who has a Blue neck (as he swallowed the poison so that the world would be protected),
Who Bestows us with what we desire, Who has three eyes (third eye standing for wisdom), Who is the Death of Death [timeless as untouched by death], who has lotus-like eyes, whose trishula, trident supports the world and who is imperishable.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
श्यामकाय–मादिदेव–मक्षरं निरामयम् ।
भीमविक्रमं प्रभुं विचित्र ताण्डव प्रियं
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।३।।
śyāmakāya-mādideva-makṣaraṃ nirāmayam ।
bhīmavikramaṃ prabhuṃ vicitra tāṇḍava priyaṃ
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 3 ৷৷
We worship Sri Kalabhairava Who has Trident, Hatchet, Noose and Club in His Hands and Who is the Primordial Cause of the Universe.
Whose Body is Dark, Who is the Primordial Lord, Who is Imperishable and Who is beyond Diseases [of the World],
Who is the Lord with Terrific valour and Who Loves the Strange, Vigorous Tandava Dance.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
भुक्ति–मुक्ति–दायकं प्रशस्तचारु–विग्रहं
भक्तवत्सलं स्थिरं समस्तलोक–विग्रहम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।४।।
bhukti-mukti-dāyakaṃ praśastacāru-vigrahaṃ
bhaktavatsalaṃ sthiraṃ samastaloka-vigraham ।
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 4 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Who is the Giver of Worldly Prosperity and Freedom and Who has an Auspicious Pleasing Form.
Who is Kind and Loving to His Devotees and Who Stands Firm as the Deity of All the Lokas.
Who has Shining Golden Bells around His Waist which Jingle Creating a Variety of Pleasing Sounds.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
धर्मसेतु–पालकं त्वधर्ममार्ग नाशकं
कर्मपाश–मोचकं सुशर्म–दायकं विभुम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।५।।
dharmasetu-pālakaṃ tvadharmamārga nāśakaṃ
karmapāśa-mocakaṃ suśarma-dāyakaṃ vibhum ।
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 5 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Who is the maintainer of sanatana dharma – the universal framework of values that lives in our hearts and comes alive through our actions. He Destroys the Path of Adharma.
(He does this by leading the devotee towards Dharma by whispering in his heart the right thing to be done. For those who prefer experiential learning, he allows the consequences of our karma to unfold. Although he whispered to us that ‘fire is hot, do not put your finger into fire, we still did it, burnt our fingers literally and metaphorically and learnt to move away from adharma.)
Who liberates us from the bonds of Karma, thus revealing the joy of being untouched by Karma,
Who is Adorned with Golden-snakes encircling His Body.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
नित्य–मद्वितीय–मिष्ट–दैवतं निरञ्जनम् ।
मृत्युदर्प–नाशनं करालदंष्ट्र–भूषणं
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।६।।
nitya-madvitīya-miṣṭa-daivataṃ nirañjanam ।
mṛtyudarpa-nāśanaṃ karāḻadaṃṣṭra-bhūṣaṇaṃ
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 6 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Whose Charming Beautiful Pair of Feet Shine with Sandals Studded with Gems;
Who is Eternal, Non-Dual, Ishta Devata and Who is Stainless and Pure. (But you said that Sri Kaala Bhairava appeared. True! and what is also true is that his true nature is timeless and non-dual, one without a second);
Who Destroys the Pride of Yama (Lord of Death), (which manifests as fear of death within us) and Whose Large Terrible Fangs Liberate us (from the Fear of Death).
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
दृष्टिपात–नष्टपाप–जालमुग्र–शासनम् ।
अष्टसिद्धि–दायकं कपालमालिका–धरं
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।७।।
dṛṣṭipāta-naṣṭapāpa-jālamugra-śāsanam ।
aṣṭasiddhi-dāyakaṃ kapālamālikā-dharaṃ
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 7 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Whose Loud Terrific Laughter destroys all the manifestations (levels of errors we make about ourselves) which is a part of the creation of the lotus-born Brahma,
Whose Terrific Glance Destroys the Net of the Powerful and Mighty Rule of Paapas (in our mind).
Who Bestows the Eight Siddhis and Who Wears a Garland of Skulls.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
(Anima – ability to reduce one’s size, Mahima – ability to attain gigantic form, Garima – ability to increase one’s weight and become heavy, Laghima – ability to decrease one’s weight and be light, Praapti – ability to fulfil desires, Prakamya – ability to adapt such as transport oneself, live underwater etc, Ishitva – the ability to influence nature and Vashitva – the ability to influence people’s minds)
भूतसङ्घ–नायकं विशालकीर्ति–दायकं
काशिवासि–लोक–पुण्यपाप–शोधकं विभुम् ।
नीतिमार्ग–कोविदं पुरातनं जगत्पतिं
काशिकापुराधिनाथ कालभैरवं भजे ।।८।।
bhūtasaṅgha-nāyakaṃ viśālakīrti-dāyakaṃ
kāśivāsi-loka-puṇyapāpa-śodhakaṃ vibhum ।
nītimārga-kovidaṃ purātanaṃ jagatpatiṃ
kāśikāpurādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje ৷৷ 8 ৷৷
(We worship Sri Kalabhairava) Who is the Ruler of beings (especially ghosts), and Who Bestows Great Glory to us (by revealing the Glory of the Self).
Who is the Lord who absolves people dwelling in Kashi both from their punya and paapa (thus revealing the Self in its pristine beauty).
Who is Skilled in Guiding us in the Path of Righteousness and Who is the most Ancient (i.e. Eternal) Lord of the Universe.
We sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi.
कालभैरवाष्टकं पठन्ति ये मनोहरं
ज्ञानमुक्ति–साधकं विचित्र–पुण्य–वर्धनम् ।
ते प्रयान्ति कालभैरवाङ्घ्रि–सन्निधिं ध्रुवम् ।।
kālabhairavāṣṭakaṃ paṭhanti ye manoharaṃ
jñānamukti-sādhakaṃ vicitra-puṇya-vardhanam ।
te prayānti kālabhairavāṅghri-sannidhiṃ dhruvam ৷৷
Those who Read the Eight Verses on Sri Kalabhairava with Devotion which charms the heart, Will be Lead straight to the Goal of Knowledge and Liberation and Will result in the Rise of Various Auspicious Qualities.
And Which Destroys Sorrows, Delusions, Wretchedness, Greed, Anger, Afflictions. And after Death the Devotee will Surely Attain the Feet of Sri Kalabhairava.
Just listening to this increases our joy and strength.
Through worshipping Devas we learn to be in harmony with our world and its many manifestations including time. We seek grace for all our pursuits particularly Moksha.
After you hear this, you will add one more stotram to be sung with much joy if not every day, atleast on an Ashtami, 8th day of the new moon or full moon.
May all be blessed by Sri Kalabhairava.
llॐ भैरवाय नमःll
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