#274 Sri Rama Bhujanga Prayata Stotram – Its powerful blessing and meaning
Sri Rama Bhujanga Prayata Stotram is a remarkable set of 26 devotional verses dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Rama composed by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya.
The Stotram refers to the unchanging nature of Sri Rama that is Brahman, the limitless being, Sri Rama as Bhagavan and Sri Rama as a relational, deeply loved and revered being of Dharma.
Adi Shankaracharya teaches us that our journey of Bhakti is complete only if we glide from ekarupa bhakti to aneka rupa bhakti to arupa bhakti.
Ekarupa bhakti is the love and devotion we experience when we hear of and revel in the glories of that particular manifestation of Bhagavan. As an avataara, Sri Rama was in the form of a human being engaging with the world and its forms. We could get stuck here if we believe that the form is still different from the world.
Anekarupa bhakti is the love and devotion we experience when we appreciate that this entire world is a manifestation of Bhagavan. Our love for Sri Rama extends to all forms and is not limited to only the avataara.
Most importantly we see Dharma as a manifestation of Bhagavan and experience the joy of being in harmony with the world when we uphold truthfulness, compassion, justice, hard work, discipline, learning etc.
When we enquire into the nature of the changing world including our body-mind we are led to Arupa bhakti.
Arupa bhakti is the love and fullness that we experience in knowing the unchanging nature of Bhagavan as the same as oneself.
Our journey of Bhakti with jnanam is complete.
To make verses rhythmic and easy to remember, stotrams are composed in different metres. We are familiar with the anushtup chandas or metre of the Bhagavad Gita.
Bhujanga means a snake which moves smoothly. The metre is called Bhujanga prayaata meter is another type of metre which has four “ya” ganas in a paada or quarter of each verse. A “ya” gana is a short syllable followed by two long syllables in that order. All quarters are similar in structure.
We chant the śrīrāma-bhujaṅga-prayāta-stotram and dwell on its sublime meaning.
विशुद्धं परं सच्चिदानन्दरूपं
गुणाधारमाधारहीनं वरेण्यम् ।
महान्तं विभान्तं गुहान्तं गुणान्तं
सुखान्तं स्वयं धाम रामं प्रपद्ये ॥ 1 ॥
I worship that Rama, who is ever pure,
Who is existence and fullness,
Who is the support of gunas and himself does not have any support,
Who is the greatest, Who cannot be divided, who is the end within himself,
Who has countless gunas, Who is the ultimate pleasure, And who himself is the abode.
शिवं नित्यमेकं विभुं तारकाख्यं
सुखाकारमाकारशून्यं सुमान्यम् ।
महेशं कलेशं सुरेशं परेशं
नरेशं निरीशं महीशं प्रपद्ये ॥ 2 ॥
I worship that Rama, who is the lord of this earth,
Who is eternal, who is always one and all pervasive,
Who is the way to cross the ocean of life,
Who is in the form of sukha itself,
Who does not have any form, Who is well respected,
Who is the greatest god,
Who is god of all arts, who is the lord of devas,
Who is the lord of the ultimate,
Who is the Isha of humans,
And who is one who does not have any Lord.
शिवो राम रामेति रामेति काश्याम् ।
तदेकं परं तारकब्रह्मरूपं
भजेऽहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहं भजेऽहम् ॥ 3 ॥
When it is said that at the time of death in Kashi, Lord Shiva whisper in the ear,–
Rama, Rama, Rama
To that one ultimate form of Taraka Brahma,
I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you.
महारत्नपीठे शुभे कल्पमूले
सुखासीनमादित्यकोटिप्रकाशम् ।
सदा जानकीलक्ष्मणोपेतमेकं
सदा रामचन्द्रं भजेऽहं भजेऽहम् ॥ 4 ॥
I always worship and worship that Ramachandra,
Who sits on the bejeweled throne,
Below the wish giving tree, sitting comfortably,
With the luster of billions of suns,
Always served by Sita and Lakshmana.
लसन्मेखलाचारुपीताम्बराढ्यम् ।
नदच्चञ्चरीमञ्जरीलोलमालम् ॥ 5 ॥
I worship that Ramachandra,
Whose lotus feet are adorned by jingling anklets,
Who adorns himself with red silk tied by golden belt,
Who wears garlands of great gems and Koustubha,
And also flower garlands attracted by bees.
समुद्यत्पतङ्गेन्दुकोटिप्रकाशम् ।
स्फुरत्कान्तिनीराजनाराधिताङ्घ्रिम् ॥ 6 ॥
I worship that Ramachandra,
Whose smile with reddish lips reminds of the pretty moon,
Who has luster of thousands of moons and suns,
Whose feet are worshipped by the light of billions
Of gems on the crowns of Brahma and Rudra,
Who bend and worship at his feet.
पुरः प्राञ्जलीनाञ्जनेयादिभक्ता
न्स्वचिन्मुद्रया भद्रया बोधयन्तम् ।
भजेऽहं भजेऽहं सदा रामचन्द्रं
त्वदन्यं न मन्ये न मन्ये न मन्ये ॥ 7 ॥
I always worship and worship that Ramachandra,
Who is surrounded by the saluting Hanuman and others,
And who teaches eternal knowledge by the chinmudra symbol in his hands,
And say, Other than you, I do not think of any one, I do not think of any one, I do not think of any one.
The chinmudra symbol is when the forefinger which stands for the ahankara, ego is freed from the hold of the three fingers and is brought to meet the tip of the thumb forming a circle, which has no beginning or end, standing for infinity. The ahankara in the form of the forefinger usually is with the three other fingers of the hand standing for sattva, rajas, tamas or the three states of experience – waking, dream and deep sleep and has built up many identities hoping to gain the limitless.
यदा मत्समीपं कृतान्तः समेत्य
प्रचण्डप्रकोपैर्भटैर्भीषयेन्माम् ।
तदाविष्करोषि त्वदीयं स्वरूपं
सदापत्प्रणाशं सकोदण्डबाणम् ॥ 8 ॥
When the God of death comes before me,
And threatens me with his powerful angry soldiers, causing me fear,
Then please bring before me your form armed with Kodanda bow,
Which will remove all fear of dangers from me.
A note on the Kodanda or Shaaranga bow which is notable because it has been used by 3 avataaras of Vishnu: Parashurama, Rama, and Krishna. The bow is offered to Sri Rama by Parashurama, the previous incarnation of Vishnu. In the Ramayana, Parashurama, the Brahmin warrior who upholds Dharma by destroying the arrogant Kshatriyas regales the story of the Kodanda bow.
Vishvakarma had created the bows of Pinaka and Sharanga to settle the question of the superiority of the Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu is victorious, and Shiva presents his bow to the king of Mithila, Janaka. Vishnu’s bow is passed down to Richika, who presented it to Jamadagni, Parashurama’s father, the latter claiming it after his father’s assassination.
Parashurama challenges Rama to fight him if the latter is able to string the bow. When the prince achieves this, the warrior admits defeat and retires to his abode.
निजे मानसे मन्दिरे सन्निधेहि
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो रामचन्द्र ।
ससौमित्रिणा कैकयीनन्दनेन
स्वशक्त्यानुभक्त्या च संसेव्यमान ॥ 9 ॥
Please come in my mind and be present in that temple,
Be pleased and pleased, Oh Ramachandra,
Served by Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna,
And help this devotee who serves you with bhakti, by your power.
Bharata was Kaikeyi’s son while Lakshmana and Shatrughna were sons of Sumitra. All brothers loved and served Sri Rama in their own way.
Bharata became the king designate after Sri Rama ‘s exile but went to Rama and asked him to return to Ayodhya. Since Rama refused, he carried back Sri Rama’s padukas, placed them on the throne and ruled Ayodhya from Nandigram, a village on the outskirts of Ayodhya. Bharata was an excellent leader, acting as the very embodiment of dharma.
Although Bharata was the king it was Shatrughna who undertook of the administration of the whole kingdom of Ayodhya. Shatrughna was the only solace for the three queen mothers during the absence of Rama, Lakshmana, and Bharata from Ayodhya.
स्वभक्ताग्रगण्यैः कपीशैर्महीशै-
-रनीकैरनेकैश्च राम प्रसीद ।
नमस्ते नमोऽस्त्वीश राम प्रसीद
प्रशाधि प्रशाधि प्रकाशं प्रभो माम् ॥ 10 ॥
Be pleased with me, Oh Ramachandra,
Who is surrounded by great devotees, great monkey lords, kings and chieftains,
I worship you my Isha Rama, be pleased with me,
Bless me, bless me with light, Oh Lord.
त्वमेवासि दैवं परं मे यदेकं
सुचैतन्यमेतत्त्वदन्यं न मन्ये ।
यतोऽभूदमेयं वियद्वायुतेजो-
जलोर्व्यादिकार्यं चरं चाचरं च ॥ 11 ॥
You alone are Daivam, the ultimate for me,
I do not consider any other power except you,
As all the Bhutas like Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and its effects which are mobile and immobile have come from you.
नमः सच्चिदानन्दरूपाय तस्मै
नमो देवदेवाय रामाय तुभ्यम् ।
नमो जानकीजीवितेशाय तुभ्यं
नमः पुण्डरीकायताक्षाय तुभ्यम् ॥ 12 ॥
Namah to the One who is of the nature of Existence, Consciousness and Fullness,
Namah to Him who is the Lord of all Devas Rama,
Namah to Him, who is the consort of Janaki,
Namah to Him, who bears a lotus on his belly.(referring to the Vishnu form)
नमो भक्तियुक्तानुरक्ताय तुभ्यं
नमः पुण्यपुञ्जैकलभ्याय तुभ्यम् ।
नमो वेदवेद्याय चाद्याय पुंसे
नमः सुन्दरायेन्दिरावल्लभाय ॥ 13 ॥
Namah to Him, who loves his devotees,
Namah to Him, who can be seen only as a result of good deeds,
Namah to the God of Vedas (the one to be known) and the first being.
Namah to the handsome one who is the consort of Sita.
नमो विश्वकर्त्रे नमो विश्वहर्त्रे
नमो विश्वभोक्त्रे नमो विश्वमात्रे ।
नमो विश्वनेत्रे नमो विश्वजेत्रे
नमो विश्वपित्रे नमो विश्वमात्रे ॥ 14 ॥
Namah to him who creates the universe,
Namah to him who destroys the universe,
Namah to him who experiences the universe,
Namah to him, who rules over the universe,
Namah to him, who is the eye of the universe,
Namah to him, who wins over the universe,
Namah to him, who is father of the universe,
And Namah to him, who is the mother of the universe.
नमस्ते नमस्ते समस्तप्रपञ्च-
-प्रभोगप्रयोगप्रमाणप्रवीण ।
मदीयं मनस्त्वत्पदद्वन्द्वसेवां
विधातुं प्रवृत्तं सुचैतन्यसिद्ध्यै ॥ 15 ॥
Namah and Namah to the expert in the working and control of the entire world,
My mind is engaged in the service of your feet, you who sustain all,
With the purpose of attaining the eternal truth.
शिलापि त्वदङ्घ्रिक्षमासङ्गिरेणु
प्रसादाद्धि चैतन्यमाधत्त राम ।
-त्सुचैतन्यमेतीति किं चित्रमत्र ॥ 16 ॥
Even an ordinary stone, getting the dust of your feet,
Oh Rama, got her life back,
And so by saluting and serving your two feet,
If people get liberated what is strange about it?
This refers to Ahalya, a very beautiful woman created by Brahmaji and married to Rishi Gautama. After Indra took the form of Gautama and seduced her, Rishi Gautama was enraged and pronounced a curse on her that his wife Ahalya would become invisible without food, live on air, unseen by all beings, just like dust. She will regain her body only after Rama visits the hermitage and she serves him.
पवित्रं चरित्रं विचित्रं त्वदीयं
नरा ये स्मरन्त्यन्वहं रामचन्द्र ।
भवन्तं भवान्तं भरन्तं भजन्तो-
लभन्ते कृतान्तं न पश्यन्त्यतोऽन्ते ॥ 17 ॥
Ramachandra, those men, who remember,
Your sacred story which is strange,
And those who chant your names,
You, who is the destroyer of a sorrowful life,
Obtain at the end what they desire and do not see the God of death.
स पुण्यः स गण्यः शरण्यो ममायं
नरो वेद यो देवचूडामणिं त्वाम् ।
सदाकारमेकं चिदानन्दरूपं
मनोवागगम्यं परं धाम राम ॥ 18 ॥
You who are in the form of blessings, the only one who can be counted,
That man who knows that you are the greatest of devas has surrendered to you,
Who has a real form and yet whose nature is Chidananda, eternal fullness,
Who is beyond mind and words, You who is Rama, the ultimate abode,
-प्रभूतारिवीर प्रभो रामचन्द्र ।
बलं ते कथं वर्ण्यतेऽतीव बाल्ये-
यतोऽखण्डि चण्डीशकोदण्डदण्डम् ॥ 19 ॥
Lord Ramachandra, who is the greatest,
Who is very famous all over,
And who is the killer of his enemies,
There is no need to describe your prowess,
For even at a very young child’s age,
You broke the great bow of Lord Shiva.
दशग्रीवमुग्रं सपुत्रं समित्रं
सरिद्दुर्गमध्यस्थरक्षोगणेशम् ।
भवन्तं विना राम वीरो नरो वा-
ऽसुरो वाऽमरो वा जयेत्कस्त्रिलोक्याम् ॥ 20 ॥
Are there either heroes or asuras or devas,
Capable of killing the ten headed one along with his sons,
And friends in a place surrounded by the sea,
Except you Oh Lord Rama?
सदा राम रामेति रामामृतं ते
सदाराममानन्दनिष्यन्दकन्दम् ।
पिबन्तं नमन्तं सुदन्तं हसन्तं
हनूमन्तमन्तर्भजे तं नितान्तम् ॥ 21 ॥
Always chanting Rama, Rama
Who is ever delightful and a tide of real happiness,
Drinking always, the nectar of the name Rama
Saluting you and having a smiling face Is Hanuman,
And I pray to him always and always.
सदा राम रामेति रामामृतं ते
सदाराममानन्दनिष्यन्दकन्दम् ।
पिबन्नन्वहं नन्वहं नैव मृत्यो
र्बिभेमि प्रसादादसादात्तवैव ॥ 22 ॥
I who am always chanting Rama, Rama
Drinking daily, the nectar of the name Rama
I am not afraid of death,
Due to your uninterrupted grace.
-रसौमित्रिवन्द्यैरचण्डप्रतापैः ।
-ररामाभिधेयैरलं दैवतैर्नः ॥ 23 ॥
No other God is required by us except Rama,
Who is always with Sita,
Who wears the Kodanda bow as ornament,
Who is being worshipped by Lakshmana,
Who is well known as a great hero,
Who is the God of death to the king of Lanka,
And who is a friend of Sugreeva.
-रभक्ताञ्जनेयादितत्त्वप्रकाशैः ।
-ररामाभिधेयैरलं दैवतैर्नः ॥ 24 ॥
Who is sitting on the throne of heroes,
Who shows the symbol of chinmudra,
Who reveals the reality to the devotee Anjaneya, Hanuman and others
Who sits on the roots of Mandara tree, And who wears the garland of mandara flowers.
No other God is required by us except Rama,
For the journey of Devotion, we dwell with bhakti on his form and glories, how he pervades all forms and also his limitless nature. None of these are different from each other.
-रबन्धुप्रयाणैरमन्दस्मिताढ्यैः ।
-ररामाभिधेयैरलं दैवतैर्नः ॥ 25 ॥
Who got very angry with the ocean, Who is sufficiently famous as to be worshipd,
Who travelled along with friends, Who wears a pleasant smile,
Who lived in Danda forest, And who taught the vast knowledge.
No other God is required by us except Rama,
हरे राम सीतापते रावणारे
खरारे मुरारेऽसुरारे परेति ।
लपन्तं नयन्तं सदाकालमेवं
समालोकयालोकयाशेषबन्धो ॥ 26 ॥
Oh Hari, consort of Sita, the enemy of Ravana,
The Killer of Khara, Mura and the Killer of Asuras
Please cast your graceful look on me,
Who always spends the time by chanting,
Oh Lord who is the relation of the entire world,
When Hari is being called, he is referred to as Hare. Hare means take away what is anartha. Here Shankaracharya beautifully says हरे राम which is a part of the mahamantra. It also refers to Vishnu as Hari.
नमस्ते सुमित्रासुपुत्राभिवन्द्य
नमस्ते सदा कैकयीनन्दनेड्य ।
नमस्ते सदा वानराधीशवन्द्य
नमस्ते नमस्ते सदा रामचन्द्र ॥ 27 ॥
Namah to him who is venerated by son of Sumitra
Namah always to him who is respected by son of Kaikeyi(Bharata)
Namah always to him who is the friend of king of monkeys,
Namah and Namah always to Bhagavan Ramachandra.
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रचण्डप्रताप
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रचण्डारिकाल ।
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रपन्नानुकम्पि-
न्प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो रामचन्द्र ॥ 28 ॥
Shower your grace, shower your grace,
You who have great fame,
Shower your grace, shower your grace,
he who is death to his enemies,
Shower your grace, shower your grace, Who is compassionate to those who surrender to him, Shower your grace, shower your grace, Prabhu Ramachandra.
भुजङ्गप्रयातं परं वेदसारंमुदा रामचन्द्रस्य भक्त्या च नित्यम् ।
पठन्सन्ततं चिन्तयन्स्वान्तरङ्गेस एव स्वयं रामचन्द्रः स धन्यः ॥ 29 ॥
He who reads or always thinks about in his mind, this Bhujanga prayer of Lord Ramachandra which is the summary of Vedas, daily, Will attain Ramachandra and always be blessed.
Rama Rama Rama
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