#233 Dialogue between Identity and Consciousness
- Posted by SwaminiB
- Categories Podcast transcripts
- Date 3 July 2023
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Once upon a time, in the depths of a contemplative forest, a profound dialogue was unfolding between Identity and Consciousness, also referred to as Ahankara and Chaitanyam.
If truth be told such a dialogue is not really possible but what shall we say about the Identity, the limited self-concept that has the arrogance of ignorance.
Identity was adorned with multiple masks representing various roles and labels and was strutting around confidently, while Consciousness emanated a serene and all-encompassing presence.
Identity proudly proclaimed – Do you know who I am? I am an achiever.
The name, the profession, the achievements, the failures, and the expectations society has placed upon me have shaped me.
I am the accumulation of all the roles and responsibilities. Experiences define me.
Consciousness calmly said – Dear Identity, I understand your perspective. You represent the layers through which the world perceives and recognizes us. However, beneath these constructs – internal and external lies something deeper and more profound.
Identity curiously asked – What could be deeper than the tangible aspects of our existence? It is through me that we establish our place in the world, find purpose, and seek validation.
Consciousness gently spoke – What is in and through the realm of roles and labels is an unchanging awareness.
I am the boundless consciousness that witnesses the play of identities and experiences. In my unchanging presence, all changes happen.
I am the silent unchanging witness, free from all changes and limitation.
Identity raises a doubt – But if you are the unchanging awareness, why are we attached so strongly to these identities?
C replies, Since you do not know who you really are, you take whatever is associated with you as you. Body-mind is associated with you. Body-mind becomes your identity. The clothes you wear and the brands you wear can become your identity. It happens to live in a country. Nationality of the country becomes your identity.
If identity was your defining reality without which you could not exist, you would not be able to pick up and drop your identity. But you do it all the time!
Your identity as a son/daughter..your identity as a parent, as a work colleague and so on. Your identity shapes your interactions, relationships, and sense of self.
Interestingly, attachments to identities can serve as vehicles for growth and expression in the human experience. It helps you to live a life of Dharma and live compassion, kindness, justice, peace, courage and so on.
However, when we become deeply attached to our identities, clinging to them as the only definition of our worth and identity, we limit our understanding of the vastness of our being.
Identity reflectively says – Perhaps our attachment to identity is a result of seeking security, validation, and belonging.
Consciousness in a nurturing way – Yes, Dear Identity, It might help to recognize the inherent impermanence of identities.
The Consciousness that you are, is in and through all the identities.
I lend reality to your identity. Much like water lends existence to the wave.
The wave appears distinct from other ways and can have a biography with twists and turns but through the entire existence of the wave, it continues to be water.
It cannot give up its reality of having no birth nor death in the vast waters.
Only the form or the identity changes.
Identity is not reality.
And yet identities allow us to experience the full spectrum of our human existence. To discover yourself as me, consciousness you will want to take on a student role.
Identity thoughtfully asks – So, how can we strike a balance between embracing our identities and realizing our true nature?
Consciousness says that there is no balance to strike.
To function in the world, you need a functional identity.
Understand that identity is not opposed to reality.
The wave form is never opposed to its content that is the water.
You can never move away from me, the consciousness that you always are.
Consciousness that is limitless, present in all three periods of time and which has no boundaries. The key lies in recognising me that is present in all your identities.
I am not an object and hence cannot be experienced.
I am not a property that can change with time.
I am not a product of any action. I am not even a relationship.
In the light of Vedanta just see that I as Consciousness is that defines you.
I am not asking you to give up yourself. Just seeing that you exist independent of your identities and roles is enough.
You are more than your identities and roles. For you to understand this, you need not destroy any identity. This space of awareness is not physical.
You are neither distancing yourself nor dissociating yourself from your identities.
Dharma requires us to have many identities and roles and we can happily hold them, pick them, drop them knowing that we are free of all our identities.
It is through this awareness that we transcend the limitations of identity and discover the infinite that one is.
As the dialogue between Identity and Consciousness unfolded, a deep understanding began to dawn in Identity.
Identity realized that one could navigate human experience only through the given form but its reality was formlessness.
Only through the recognition of oneself as consciousness, eternal and boundless presence, fullness without a sense of lack could be discovered.
And so, now there was harmony. Identity revelled in being Consciousness.
Identity could allow the dance of other identities to unfold while abiding as Consciousness.
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